Thanks for the quick replies.
Here is my code:
while (<DATA>){
unless (/$data_line_old/i){
my $read_position = tell DATA;
seek DATA, $write_position, 0;
print DATA $_;
$write_position = tell DATA;
seek DATA, $read_position, 0;
truncate DATA, $write_position;
close DATA;
I tried to remove old lines from a text file. The tell and seek monitor the positions of the existing file and temporary file that it is creating. At the end of the creation. I try to use the truncate or trunc to cut the finished file to the right size(length).
After the confidence you gave about the truncate, I tried again a few more times and discovered what went work. I initial used trunc and it errors
me out as:
Can't locate object method "trunc" via package "IO::Handle" at myProfile_pl.pl line 514, <DATA> line 10.
Since this error, the original file got messed up. Then the truncate went wild after a few runs. The text file became super long with wrong length.
I have it working now.
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