After pondering my improved Python algorithm for a while,
I was surprised to shave two further strokes from my previous best
legitimate Perl solution with this 56 stroker:
Notice that this solution is a strange hybrid of regex and magic formula --
and so perhaps proves both Mtv's law of golf ("regexes always win")
and eyepopslikeamosquito's law ("magic formulae always win"). :)
Also unusual is that while trumps for on this occasion.
The complete list of new Perl solutions I've found since my original post are:
# update: some more after finding getc
$\+=($n=1+substr'004999',"@-",3)-$\%$n*2while VLDMCXI=~getc;print
$\+=$'-$\%$'*2while I1V5X10L50C100D500M1e3=~getc;print
$\+=($n="1E@-"%9995)-$\%$n*2while IXCMVLD=~getc;print
Update: An improved 74 stroke symref-based solution,
after "finding" getc (see below):
$b=++$I;$$_=$b*=$^F^=7for V,X,L,C,D,M;
And here's a quirky 83-stroke PHP version:
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