Do you know where your variables are? | |
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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
First, welcome to the Monastery :) May I ask how you're trying to learn? There are good ways and bad ways (and terrible ways, hopefully we can steer you clear of those). I agree with ELISHEVA's advice: write lots of small, simple programs, that each demonstrate one particular fact about how Perl works. Experiment. In this way you can "ask questions" about how Perl works. For instance:
Running this program is equivalent to asking "do variables interpolate in 1) single-quoted strings ($b) and 2) double-quoted strings ($c)?" (By interpolate, I mean, are the variables replaced by their values, or do you just see the variable's name.) Running this will give you the answer. If you can give us more information on how you're going about learning, we can probably help. :) The zeroeth step in writing a module is to make sure that there isn't already a decent one in CPAN. (-- Pod::Simple::Subclassing) In reply to Re: how can I learn well
by missingthepoint