good chemistry is complicated, and a little bit messy -LW |
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Moderately agree with point 1, only on the grounds that the "-icity" element may pose a stumbling block to some readers (IMHO_and_E, less common and therefore less familiar_and_understandable than "-ness") but am skeptical about recommendation 2: 'Chapt. 3: variables, types and coercion section, it says "assigning to a variable". I assume that should read "assigning type to a variable"?' Methinks this has serious potential for confusing readers, who've been told that: "... the sigil of the variable in a declaration determines the type of the variable...."and that... "Perl 5 variables do not enforce types on their values." Perhaps this "potential" arises only from the limits of my own understanding/appreciation, but I must obviously leave that judgement to others. Suggestion 3 makes excellent sense to me. Finally (for this post anyway), I find the sections on references, beginning with "Array References" particularly clear. Well done! In reply to Re^2: Modern Perl: The Book: The Draft
by ww