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Sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it isn't. See 935499 for a discussion on that topic.

What you have to really understand by heart when attempting such a project: Those matters are far more complex than they look. I know, i wrote my own Webserver.

While the basics - e.g. getting the most used stuff working - is most times not that difficult, the devil is often in the details. You'll have to make the more obscure features work (like handle multipart forms for file uploads in your case and also parse headers like if-modified-since). You'll do error handling, handle interrupted connections, intentionally misformed data (hacking attempts) and such.

And - if you publish your solution and people base their projects on it, it would be your implied responsibility to keep the API stable while still continuing development.

If you are willing to embark on that journey, you are very welcome.

Don't count on it beeing an easy journey or a quick one. If you succeed, it will be a personal triumph for you that may include widespread adoption of your solution. But you better plan to work hard for months or years to get to that point.

BREW /very/strong/coffee HTTP/1.1

418 I'm a teapot

In reply to Re^3: Get those parameters without by cavac
in thread Get those parameters without by j.a.p.h.

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