Thanks -- progress, but one more step remains. Here's the contents of Net::POP3::SSL -- as syphilis also found out, this no longer exists in CPAN, and so I copied it form my 32 bit machine to "<perl64>/site/lib/Net/POP3/":
package Net::POP3::SSL;
#, v 1.0 2007/09/06
use strict;
use vars qw[$VERSION @ISA];
$VERSION = sprintf "%d.%02d", split m/\./, (qw$Revision: 1.0 $)[1];
use IO::Socket::SSL; # qw( debug4 );
use Net::POP3;
@ISA = ( 'IO::Socket::SSL',
grep { $_ ne 'IO::Socket::INET' } @Net::POP3::ISA );
no strict 'refs';
foreach ( keys %Net::POP3:: ) {
next unless defined *{$Net::POP3::{$_}}{CODE};
*{$_} = \&{"Net::POP3::$_"};
=head1 NAME
Net::POP3::SSL - SSL support for Net::POP3
use Net::POP3::SSL;
my $pops = Net::POP3::SSL->new("", Port => 995);
Implements the same API as L<Net::POP3|Net::POP3>, but uses
L<IO::Socket::SSL|IO::Socket::SSL> for its network operations. Due to
the nature of C<Net::POP3>'s C<new> method, it is not overridden to ma
use of a default port for the POP3S service. Perhaps future versions
will be smart like that. Port C<995> is usually what you want, and it'
not a pain to specify that.
For interface documentation, please see L<Net::POP3|Net::POP3>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Casey West, <F<>>.
Copyright (c) 2004 Casey West. All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
under the same terms as Perl itself.
While I get no complaints from 32 bit perl 5.8, the 64 bit perl 5.12 complains:
Not a GLOB reference at C:/opt/perl64/site/lib/Net/POP3/ line 16
So why the complaint from the newer, 64 bit perl?
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