This quotation of the glob in the shell is awesome indeed !
Well, I think I was just overworking my brain to realize that I simply might as well use a flag in GetOptions, that will be neater and more efficient since I know a priori that I wanna deal with a specific file type format so I will just need to glob it internally on the program itself rather than from the shell, that will also give me the flexibility of adding another option or flag to process a file by passing its name as an argument to that option. I used File::Wildcard then to capture all these files and then process them as elements in an array.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Wildcard;
use Data::Dumper;
my $foo = File::Wildcard->new(path=>"./*.tab.txt");
my @arrayFiles;
sub goIt{
while (my $file = $foo->next){
push @arrayFiles, $file;
#do something with @arrayFile
#through a subroutine
print Dumper(\@arrayFiles);
David R. Gergen said "We know that second terms have historically been marred by hubris and by scandal." and I am a two y.o. monk today :D, June,12th, 2011...
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