Here is the code which I am using
my ($File, $Doc_dir);
$Doc_dir = "C:\\word_files";
while ($File = readdir(TEMP))
unless ($File eq "." or $File eq "..") {
my $f_check = substr($File,0,2);
unless ($f_check eq '~$') {
my $Full_File = "$Doc_dir\\$File";
my $f_name = substr($File,0,((length($File))-4));
my $Word = Win32::OLE->new( 'Word.Application', 'Quit' ) |
+| die "Couldn't run Word";
my $Doc = $Word->Documents->Open($Full_File) || die "File
+does not exist or can not be opened";
# Text information
my $num_pages = $Doc->ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticPa
my $num_paragraphs = $Doc->ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticPa
my $num_lines = $Doc->ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticLi
my $num_words = $Doc->ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticWo
my $num_chars = $Doc->ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticCh
my $num_charWs = $Doc->ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticCh
my $header = $Doc->Sections(1)->Headers(wdHeaderFooterPrim
my $h_num_pages = $header->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
my $h_num_paragraphs = $header->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
my $h_num_lines = $header->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
my $h_num_words = $header->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
my $h_num_chars = $header->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
my $h_num_charWs = $header->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
my $footer = $Doc->Sections(1)->Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrim
my $f_num_pages = $footer->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
my $f_num_paragraphs = $footer->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
my $f_num_lines = $footer->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
my $f_num_words = $footer->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
my $f_num_chars = $footer->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
my $f_num_charWs = $footer->Range->ComputeStatistics(w
#$Word->Activedocument->Close (0);
#$Doc->{Saved} = 0;
my $sys_com = "del $Full_File";
system ($sys_com);