I see many questions being asked on this site, many by relative new-comers to the language. Sometimes the questions require involved answers that make use of non-standard modules. This is good - complex problems are being solved by readily available, tested code.


There are many other occasions, today being one, where the answers could take many, many forms, and given that TIMTOWTDI - no, wait - TIMTOWTDI in Perl, but algorithmically we have geometrically more ways. Ahem. Given that there are many, many ways to do it, sometimes we do not favor an answer that may be just as good, but does not require our new-comer to jump right in and start installing modules - a known difficulty for many at first.

I'd like to suggest that we provide answers using standard modules, when those solutions are adequate. New-comers just don't like installing modules to solve something that can be done with the standard distribution itself. Sometimes, the portability or the encoding just doesn't matter to the OP.

Update: Wow. It looks like people read that as "use core modules over CPAN", which I most definitely did not say. I do not advocate using core over CPAN, unless the result is just as good.

Are people really denying the quantity of module-installation issues that are reported here by new-comers?