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Re^2: May Thy Closures Be Blessed

by adrianh (Chancellor)
on Apr 26, 2004 at 17:08 UTC ( [id://348257]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: May Thy Closures Be Blessed
in thread May Thy Closures Be Blessed

Furthermore, Inside Out objects don't require their superclass, or subclasses, to cooperate.

They do need to co-operate over DESTROY.

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Re: May Thy Closures Be Blessed
by Abigail-II (Bishop) on Apr 26, 2004 at 19:33 UTC
    They do need to co-operate over DESTROY.
    Yes, but not more than any other form of inheritance does. If you subclass a class, and define a DESTROY method in your subclass, without calling DESTROY in the superclass, things are likely to break. Your DESTROY method should always contain something like (for single inheritance):
    $self -> SUPER::DESTROY if $ISA [0] -> can ("DESTROY");
    regardless whether you use Inside-Out objects or not.


      Yes, but not more than any other form of inheritance does.

      Good point.

      I guess I just worry about DESTROY with inside-out objects more because having a correct DESTROY block suddenly becomes something you need for every class with its own state, rather than something you only need for rare classes that fiddle with external resources.

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