While it may solve the problems you see with Perl's OO system, it doesn't solve any of the two biggest problems I see with the system: default data inheritance and no compile time checking of attribute names. Well, I guess one could say it solves the data inheritance problem - but in an extremely awkward way: the superclass defines the attributes of the subclasses. At least, that's how inheritance is happening in your example. Not what I call a real invitation for code reuse.
This sound like false advertisement to me. First, your closure method eventually stores the attributes in a hash. You are just using the closure to give each object its private lexical hash. The closure doesn't provide any additional flexibility - your methods are already doing that. Methods provide the necessary flexibility, regardless of the way of storing attributes - directly in the object, in lexical class level hashes (for Inside Out objects), or in lexical object level hashes (for your closure technique).
However, anyone having studied Damian's OO book will notice that Inside Out objects are a simple extension on "fly-weight" objects.
Frankly, I fail to see how they connect to 'functional programming'.
Anyway, for a totally different way of doing OO using closures (no 'bless', but with inheritance, AUTOLOADING and SUPER), look at one of my earlier attempts to bypass Perl's OO problems:
package OO::Closures;
# $Author: abigail $
# $Date: 1999/08/02 06:06:04 $
# $Id: Closures.pm,v 1.2 1999/08/02 06:06:04 abigail Exp abigail $
# $Log: Closures.pm,v $
# Revision 1.2 1999/08/02 06:06:04 abigail
# Bug fixes and more efficient use of code (Rick Delaney).
# Free and open software copyright/license.
# Scalar references as methods (to complement for Eiffel like features
# CPAN friendly module.
# Revision 1.1 1998/10/01 22:54:57 abigail
# Initial revision
use vars qw /$VERSION/;
($VERSION) = '$Revision: 1.2 $' =~ /(\d+.\d+)/;
sub import {
my $my_package = __PACKAGE__;
my $foreign_package = caller;
my $my_sub = 'create_object';
my $foreign_sub = @_ ? shift : $my_sub;
no strict 'refs';
*{"${foreign_package}::$foreign_sub"} = \&{"${my_package}::$my_sub
sub croak {
require Carp;
goto &Carp::croak;
sub create_object {
my ($methods, $ISA, $is_base) = @_;
sub {
my ($method, @args) = @_;
my ($call_super, $class);
if ($method =~ /^((?:[^:]+|:[^:])*)::(.*)/s) {
$class = $1;
$method = $2;
if (exists $methods -> {$method} && !defined $class) {
return $methods -> {$method} -> (@args) if
ref $methods -> {$method} eq 'CODE';
return ${$methods -> {$method}} if
ref $methods -> {$method} eq 'SCALAR';
die "Illegal method ($method) in object.\n";
my @supers;
if (defined $class && ($class ne 'SUPER' || exists $ISA -> {$c
+lass})) {
unless (exists $ISA -> {$class}) {
croak "No class ($class) found\n";
@supers = ($ISA -> {$class});
else {@supers = values %$ISA}
# Go looking for the method in an inherited object.
foreach my $super (@supers) {
return eval {$super -> ($method => @args)} unless $@;
croak $@ unless $@ =~ /^No such method/;
unless ($is_base) {
# This is the base object. So, we'll look for AUTOLOAD.
return $methods -> {AUTOLOAD} -> ($method => @args) if exi
$methods -> {AUTOLOAD} && !defined $class;
# Check %ISA for AUTOLOAD.
foreach my $super (@supers) {
return eval {$super -> (AUTOLOAD => $method, @args)} u
+nless $@;
croak $@ unless $@ =~ /^No such method/;
croak "No such method ($method) found";
=head1 NAME
OO::Closures - Object Oriented Programming using Closures.
use OO::Closures;
sub new {
my (%methods, %ISA, $self);
$self = create_object (\%methods, \%ISA, !@_);
This package gives you a way to use Object Oriented programming using
Closures, including multiple inheritance, C<SUPER::> and AUTOLOADing.
To create the object, call the function C<create_object> with three
arguments, a reference to a hash containing the methods of the object,
a reference to a hash containing the inherited objects, and a flag
determining whether the just created object is the base object or
not. This latter flag is important when it comes to trying C<AUTOLOAD>
after not finding a method.
C<create_object> returns a closure which will act as the new object.
Here is an example of the usage:
use OO::Closures;
sub dice {
my (%methods, %ISA, $self);
$self = create_object (\%methods, \%ISA, !@_);
my $faces = 6;
$methods {set} = sub {$faces = shift;};
$methods {roll} = sub {1 + int rand $faces};
It is a simple object representing a die, with 2 methods, C<set>, to s
the number of faces, and C<roll>, to roll the die. It does not inherit
anything. To make a roll on a 10 sided die, use:
(my $die = dice) -> (set => 10);
print $die -> ('roll');
Note that since the objects are closures, method names are the first
arguments of the calls.
One can make object variables available to the outside world as well.
Just like in Eiffel, for an outsider this will be indistinguishable
from accessing a argumentless method. (However, in a Perlish fashion,
we will actually allow arguments in the call). To do so, instead of
putting a code reference in the %methods hash, put a reference to a
scalar in the hash. Note that to the outside world, no more than read
only access to the variable is given.
Here is an example:
sub dice {
my (%methods, %ISA, $self);
$self = create_object (\%methods, \%ISA, !@_);
my $faces = 6;
$methods {set} = sub {$faces = shift;};
$methods {roll} = sub {1 + int rand $faces};
$methods {faces} = \$faces;
(my $die = dice) -> (set => 10);
print $die -> ('faces');
This will print C<10>.
To use inheritance, we need to set the C<%ISA> hash. We also need to
pass ourselves to the classes we inherited, so an inherited class can
find the base object. (This is similar to the first argument of the
constructor when using regular objects).
Here is an example that implements multi dice, by subclassing C<dice>.
We will also give C<dice> a method C<print_faces> that prints the numb
of faces and returns the object.
use OO::Closures;
sub dice {
my (%methods, %ISA, $self);
$self = create_object (\%methods, \%ISA, !@_);
my $this_object = shift || $self;
my $faces = 6;
$methods {set} = sub {$faces = shift};
$methods {roll} = sub {1 + int rand $faces};
$methods {print_faces} = sub {print "Faces: $faces\n"; $this_o
sub multi_dice {
my (%methods, %ISA, $self);
$self = create_object (\%methods, \%ISA, !@_);
my $this_object = shift || $self;
%ISA = (dice => dice $this_object);
my $amount = 1;
$methods {amount} = sub {$amount = shift};
$methods {roll} = sub {
my $sum = 0;
foreach (1 .. $amount) {$sum += $self -> ('dice::roll')}
my $die = multi_dice;
$die -> (set => 7);
$die -> (amount => 4);
print $die -> ('print_faces') -> ('roll'), "\n";
Notice the line C<my $this_object = shift || $self;>. That will make
C<$this_object> contain the base object, unlike C<$self> which is the
instance of the current class.
The class C<dice> is subclassed in C<multi_dice> by calling C<dice>
with an extra argument, the base object. Now it's known that C<dice>
is subclassed, and looking for C<AUTOLOAD> if it cannot find the
requested method should not happen; that will be triggered by the
base object.
Inherited classes are named, but they are named by the inheriter,
not the inheritee. This allows you to inherit the same class multiple
times, and getting separate data and method space for it.
When searching for methods in the inheritance tree, no order will be
garanteed. If you subclass multiple classes defining the methods with
the same name, it's better to mask those methods and explicitely
redirect the call to the class you want it to handle.
You can call a method by prepending its class name(s); just like
regular objects.
Inherited classes are stored in the C<%ISA> hash, but since this varia
is private to the object, each object can have its own inheritance
structure. If you change a class, existing objects of the class will n
be modified.
The pseudo class 'SUPER::' works the same way as regular objects do,
except that it works the right way. It will resolve 'SUPER::' dependin
on the inherited classes of the object the method is called in; not
on the C<@ISA> of the package the call is made from.
=head1 C<use OO::Closures;>
By default, the module C<OO::Closures> exports the function C<create_o
If you want this function to be known by another name, give that name
as an argument to the C<use> statement.
use OO::Closure 'other_name';
Now you create objects with C<other_name (\%methods, \%ISA, !@_);>
=head1 BUGS
This documentation uses the word 'class' in cases where it's not reall
a class in the sense of the usual object oriented way. Mark-Jason Domi
calls this I<class-less> object orientism.
=head1 HISTORY
$Log: Closures.pm,v $
Revision 1.2 1999/08/02 06:06:04 abigail
Bug fixes and more efficient use of code (Rick Delaney).
Free and open software copyright/license.
Scalar references as methods (to complement for Eiffel like featur
CPAN friendly module.
Revision 1.1 1998/10/01 22:54:57 abigail
Initial revision
=head1 AUTHOR
This package was written by Abigail, I<abigail@delanet.com>.
This code is copyright 1998, 1999 by Abigail.
This code is free and open software. You may use, copy, modify, distri
and sell this program (and any modified variants) in any way you wish,
provided you do not restrict others from doing the same.