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Re: MakeAll.Pl (

by tye (Sage)
on May 01, 2004 at 16:56 UTC ( [id://349641]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to MakeAll.Pl

Have you run this on Unix? You split $ENV{PATH} on ';', which is only appropriate for Win32. You should use Config, it knows what separator to use on each platform.

You should also use to figure out what 'make' to run. It'd be nice to do this per perl rather than just based on the perl being used to run this script. This makes me think it'd be nice to write so the standard install dance could be changed to:

perl Makefile.PL perl -make -em perl -make -em test perl -make -em install

and could prompt to download and install nmake.exe if appropriate and point users toward FAQs if the module has XS code but they don't have the right C compiler. (:

Short of that, you could use $make= `$perl -V=make` (sorry, don't have Perl reinstalled here so I can't test that so I probably got it a bit wrong).

- tye        

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Re: Re: MakeAll.Pl (
by ysth (Canon) on May 02, 2004 at 10:21 UTC
    something like:
    $make = `$perl -V:make`; $make =~ s/.*?'//; $make =~ s/'.*//;
    Someone had proposed something like a -V:make= syntax that would just output the value; don't think it ever got applied, though.

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