BooK has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm trying to find out how many captures a compiled regular expression will do. My first try was good enough for me, but hv pointed out several cases where it could break. While refining the code I came upon several other cases and wrote a big test suite.

The only case I can't handle yet is (?{ ... }) and it proves to be the most difficult. Because it can contain Perl code, there are many ways to defeat my little parsing skills. I'm looking for a way to safely ignore the content of (?{ ... }) and (??{ ... }) (consider how lucky I am that the regular expression engine is not reentrant...)

Here's the routine code:

sub captures { local $_ = shift; croak "$_ is not a compiled regexp" unless ref eq 'Regexp'; my @p; # remember the kind of opening parentheses we've seen my ($n, $x) = (0, 1); /\G\(\?[ism]*(x?)[^:]*:/gc # global /xism block && ( $x = $1 ? 1 : 0 ); while( /\G(?=.)/gcs ) { $x > 0 ? /\G[^[\\()#]+/gc # ignore standard stuff (/x) : /\G[^[\\()]+/gc; # ignore standard stuff /\G(?:\\.)+/gcs; # ignore backslashed stuff $x > 0 && /\G#.*/gc; # ignore comments under /x /\G\[\^?\]?[^]]*\]/gc; # character class /\G\(\?[ism]*(x?)[ism]*(?:-[ism]*(x?)[ism]*)?([:)])/gc && do { $x++, $3 eq ':' && push @p, '+x' if $1; # (?xism:...) and $x--, $3 eq ':' && push @p, '-x' if $2; # (?xism) blocks }; /\G\(\?\(\d+\)/gc && push @p, 'sp'; # conditional regexp /\G\(\?/gc && push (@p, 'sp') && next; # other special regexp /\G\(/gc && ($n++, push @p, 'cp'); # a capturing parenthese /\G\)/gc && do { # a closing parenthese $x-- if $p[-1] eq '+x'; # compute /x state $x++ if $p[-1] eq '-x'; pop @p; }; } $n; }

And here's the test suite (test 12 is a simple case where (?{ ... }) can break my code):

use Test::More; # test the captures() method my @regexps = ( [ qr/foo/, 0 ], [ qr/foo(.*)bar/, 1 ], [ qr/\(foo(bar(baz)*)/, 2 ], [ qr/((?=.)ldkj\(.*\)(?i:bar(.*))b)/, 2 ], [ qr/foo # (bar)/ims, 1 ], # 5 # thanks Hugo for suggesting these difficult cases [ qr{( x )}x, 1 ], [ qr{ (?x: # (comment) ) (?-x: # (capture) ) }, 1 ], [ qr{[()<>]}, 0 ], [ qr{([])<(>]+)}, 1 ], [ qr{[a # (comment) b]}, 0 ], # 10 # other difficult cases I've found on my own, # while browsing perlre and perlretut [ qr/(?x) # (comment) (?-x) # (capture) (?x) # (comment)/, 1 ], [ qr/foo(?{ print ( "foo" ) })bar/, 0 ], # the following are taken from perlre [ qr< (?{ $cnt = 0 }) # Initialize $cnt. ( a (?{ local $cnt = $cnt + 1; # Update $cnt, backtracking-sa +fe. }) )* aaaa (?{ $res = $cnt }) # On success copy to non-localized # location. >x, 1 ], [ qr{ \( (?: (?> [^()]+ ) # Non-parens without backtracking | (??{ $re }) # Group with matching parens )* \) }x, 0 ], [ qr{ \( ( [^()]+ # x+ | \( [^()]* \) )+ \) }x, 1 ], # 15 [ qr{ \( ( (?> [^()]+ ) # change x+ above to (?> x+ ) | \( [^()]* \) )+ \) }x, 1 ], [ qr{(?>#[ \t]*)}, 0 ], [ qr{#[ \t]*(?![ \t])}, 0 ], [ qr/ (?> \# [ \t]* ) ( .+ ) /x, 1 ], [ qr/ \# [ \t]* ( [^ \t] .* ) /x, 1 ], # 20 [ qr{ ( \( )? [^()]+ (?(1) \) ) }x, 1 ], # taken from perlretut [ qr/^(.+)(e|r)(.*)$/, 3 ], [ qr/^ [+-]? # first, match an optional sign ( # then match integers or f.p. mantissas: \d+\.\d+ # mantissa of the form a.b |\d+\. # mantissa of the form a. |\.\d+ # mantissa of the form .b |\d+ # integer of the form a ) ([eE][+-]?\d+)? # finally, optionally match an exponent $/x, 2 ], [ qr/^ [+-]?\ * # first, match an optional sign *and space* ( # then match integers or f.p. mantissas: \d+\.\d+ # mantissa of the form a.b |\d+\. # mantissa of the form a. |\.\d+ # mantissa of the form .b |\d+ # integer of the form a ) ([eE][+-]?\d+)? # finally, optionally match an exponent $/x, 2 ], [ qr/^ [+-]?\ * # first, match an optional sign ( # then match integers or f.p. mantissas: \d+ # start out with a ... ( \.\d* # mantissa of the form a.b or a. )? # ? takes care of integers of the form a |\.\d+ # mantissa of the form .b ) ([eE][+-]?\d+)? # finally, optionally match an exponent $/x, 3 ], # 25 [ qr/^[+-]?\ *(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?$/, 3 ], [ qr/(?# Match an integer:)[+-]?\d+/, 0 ], [ qr/(?# Match an integer:)[+-]?\d+/, 0 ], [ qr/(?x)( # freeform version of an integer regexp [+-]? # match an optional sign \d+ # match a sequence of digits ) /x, 1 ], [ qr/([+-]?\ *(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?)/, 4 ], # 30 [ qr/([+-]?\ *(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?)/, 1 ], [ qr/([+-]?\ *(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?)/, 2 ], [ qr/\( ( [^()]+ | \([^()]*\) )+ \)/x, 1 ], [ qr/\( ( (?>[^()]+) | \([^()]*\) )+ \)/x, 1 ], [ qr/^(\w+)(\w+)?(?(2)\2\1|\1)$/, 2 ], # 35 [ qr/[ATGC]+(?(?<=AA)G|C)$/, 0 ], [ qr/(?{local $c = 0;}) # initialize count ( a # match 'a' (?{local $c = $c + 1;}) # increment count )* # do this any number of times, aa # but match 'aa' at the end (?{$count = $c;}) # copy local $c var into $count /x, 1 ], [ qr/(?(?{ $lang eq 'EN'; # is the language English? }) the | # if so, then match 'the' (die|das|der) # else, match 'die|das|der' ) /xi, 1 ], [ qr/^1 # match an initial '1' ( (??{'0' x $s0}) # match $s0 of '0' 1 # and then a '1' (?{ $largest = $s0; # largest seq so far $s2 = $s1 + $s0; # compute next term $s0 = $s1; # in Fibonacci sequence $s1 = $s2; }) )+ # repeat as needed $ # that is all there is /x, 1 ], ); plan tests => scalar @regexps; for ( @regexps ) { is( captures( $_->[0] ), $_->[1], "$_->[1] captures" ); }

Any help appreciated...