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RE: Advice: Network code experiments

by extremely (Priest)
on Oct 03, 2000 at 05:42 UTC ( [id://35036]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Advice: Network code experiments

For the device status, I'd recommend SNMP::Session and SNMP::Util as well as Net::SNMP . All good tinkertoys. Most major gear will have SNMP available and you might just consider doing your other machines by writing SNMPd stuff for them.

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RE: RE: Advice: Network code experiments
by geektron (Curate) on Oct 03, 2000 at 06:25 UTC
    Thanks, but I use these all the time. It's the IPC/RPC end of it that I'm looking for help with.

      I guess I wan't clear either. I would avoid RPC unless you need to run arbitrary code on the far side. The examples you gave (code to communicate w/ routers, switches, etc. to copy configuration files, check device status, etc.) can be done without needing to send code to be executed or to request arbitrary execution.

      Set up a HTTPd or SNMPd that will answer requests sent to it with the answers that you want. 90% of what people want to do in RPC they can do with HTTP tools that they already know.

      $you = new YOU;
      honk() if $you->love(perl)

        I guess I wan't clear either. I would avoid RPC unless you need to run arbitrary code on the far side. The examples you gave (code to communicate w/ routers, switches, etc. to copy configuration files, check device status, etc.) can be done without needing to send code to be executed or to request arbitrary execution.
        That's the thing - there will be some need to execute commands on the router end. i know i'll need to perform a 'writemem' to get the newly copied config written on the router, not just in memory.

        I don't particularly like the need for RPC-type commands, but it's there. . .

        and the advice is still good. SNMP-based communication is easier than dealing with things like Open3 and Expect. . .

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