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RE: Re: Advice: Network code experiments

by geektron (Curate)
on Oct 03, 2000 at 22:28 UTC ( [id://35166]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Advice: Network code experiments
in thread Advice: Network code experiments

I already have an idea about the modules that I can use ( or more correctly, I already have an idea about which modules I'll be using ).

I was looking for, as jcwren enumerated, ways to 'play' with the modules to learn them. I'm looking for silly little throwaway examples that I can use as learning experiments.

And for the task you're describing ( which is one of the projects I'll be doing ) I've already decided on IPC::Open3 ( and probably as well ). I will need to log the errors with updating configs. Logging those errors will be easier with IPC::Open3.

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