#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Switch; my $gear = 1; my $help = 0; my $quiet = 0; my $trees = 1; my $twist = 1; my $width = 8; Getopt::Long::Configure('gnu_getopt'); GetOptions ( 'gear=i' => \$gear, 'help|h|?' => \$help, 'quiet' => \$quiet, 'trees=i' => \$trees, 'twist=i' => \$twist, 'width=i' => \$width, ) or pod2usage(-exitstatus => 2, -verbose => 1); pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $help; my $driver = Driver->new(gear => $gear, quiet => $quiet, trees => $trees, twist => $twist, width => $width,); $driver->line; my $keypress; do { switch($keypress) { case qr/[qz\[b,]/ { $driver->{delta} = -1 } case qr/[ xn\.]/ { $driver->{delta} = 0 } case qr/[wc\]m\/]/ { $driver->{delta} = 1 } case '1' { $driver->{gear} = 1 } case '2' { $driver->{gear} = 2 } case '3' { $driver->{gear} = 3 } case '4' { $driver->{gear} = 4 } } } while (($keypress = $driver->getchar) ne 'q'); exit(0); package Driver; use Curses; use Params::Validate qw/validate SCALAR UNDEF/; use Time::HiRes qw/setitimer ITIMER_REAL/; sub new { my $proto = shift; my $class = ref($proto) || $proto; my %args = validate( @_, { gear => { type => SCALAR, default => 1, callbacks => { 'valid gear' => sub { 0 < $_[0] && $_[0] < 5 }, }, }, quiet => { type => SCALAR | UNDEF, default => 0, }, trees => { type => SCALAR, default => 1, callbacks => { 'valid trees' => sub { 0 < $_[0] && $_[0] < 5 }, }, }, twist => { type => SCALAR, default => 1, callbacks => { 'valid twist' => sub { 0 < $_[0] && $_[0] < 6 }, }, }, width => { type => SCALAR, default => 8, callbacks => { 'valid width' => sub { 0 < $_[0] && $_[0] < 33 }, }, }, }); my $self = { score => 0, gear => $args{gear} || 1, # previous gear prevgear => 0, # delta or change in driver position ($dpos) delta => 0, # drivers position on the line dpos => 0, # drivers previous position prevdpos => 0, # shall we draw a tree or not? drawtree => 0, # ring the bell or not? quiet => $args{quiet} || 0, # position in the line to draw a tree tpos => 0, tparts => [ ' |', ' |', '%\\|/%', ' %%%', '', ], # the current line of the tree to draw tcurpart => 0, # chance of displaying a tree trees => $args{tree} || 1, road => 1, # array of the locations of the middle of the road on each line rp => [], # how 'twisty' the road is going to be twist => $args{twist} || 1, # Half the width of the road width => $args{width} || 8, }; initscr; cbreak; noecho; nonl; nodelay($stdscr, 1); intrflush($stdscr, 0); keypad($stdscr, 1); scrollok($stdscr, 1); curs_set(0); $self->{dpos} = COLS() / 2; $self->{rp}->[0] = COLS() / 2; bless ($self, $class); $SIG{ALRM} = sub { $self->line; }; return $self; } sub DESTROY { my ($self) = @_; endwin; $SIG{ALRM} = 'IGNORE'; print '*** Score: ', $self->{score}, " ***\n"; } sub getchar { my ($self) = @_; return getch; } sub line { my ($self) = @_; my $n; my @roadparts = ( '\\', '|', '/', ); if ($self->{gear} != $self->{prevgear}) { $self->{prevgear} = $self->{gear}; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, 0.108 / $self->{gear}, 0.108 / $self->{gear}); } move(0,0); clrtoeol; if ($self->{drawtree} == 0 && (int(rand(4)) < $self->{trees})) { $self->{drawtree} = 1; do { $self->{tpos} = int(rand(COLS() - $self->{width} - 1)); } while (($self->{tpos} > ($self->{rp}->[0] - $self->{width} - 6)) && $self->{tpos} < ($self->{rp}->[0] + $self->{width} + 7)); } if ($self->{drawtree} == 1) { if ($self->{tparts}->[$self->{tcurpart}] eq '') { $self->{drawtree} = 0; $self->{tcurpart} = 0; } else { addstr(0, $self->{tpos}, $self->{tparts}->[$self->{tcurpart}++]); } } $n = int(rand(15)); if ($n < (3 * $self->{twist})) { $self->{road} = $n % 3; } for ($n = LINES() - 2; $n > - 1; $n --) { $self->{rp}->[$n + 1] = $self->{rp}->[$n]; } $self->{rp}->[0] = $self->{rp}->[1] + ($self->{road} - 1); if (($self->{rp}->[0] - $self->{width}) < 1) { $self->{rp}->[0]++; $self->{road} = 1; } elsif (($self->{rp}->[0] + $self->{width}) > (COLS() - 1)) { $self->{rp}->[0]--; $self->{road} = 1; } addch(0, $self->{rp}->[0] - $self->{width}, $roadparts[$self->{road}]); addch(0, $self->{rp}->[0] + $self->{width}, $roadparts[$self->{road}]); $self->{prevdpos} = $self->{dpos}; $self->{dpos} += $self->{delta}; if(defined($self->{rp}->[LINES() - 2]) && $self->{rp}->[LINES() - 2] > 0) { if($self->{dpos} < $self->{rp}->[LINES() - 2] - $self->{width} || $self->{dpos} >= $self->{rp}->[LINES() - 2] + $self->{width}) { exit(1); } else { $self->{score} += $self->{gear}; } } addch(LINES() - 2, $self->{dpos}, '@'); addch(LINES() - 1, $self->{prevdpos}, ' '); beep() unless ($self->{quiet}); scrl(-1); addstr(0, 0, "RACER Gear = " . $self->{gear} . " Score = " . $self->{score}); refresh; } 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME racer -- a driving game =head1 SYNOPSIS B [options] =head1 DESCRIPTION Drive a racing car represented by a I<@> around a track, score points, and admire the scenery. If you go outside the lines, you die. =head2 KEYS =over 4 =item B, B, B, B<[>, B<,> Move left. =item B, B, B, B Move ahead. =item B, B, B, B<]>, B Move right. =item B<1>, B<2>, B<3>, B<4> Change gears. See L> under B. =item B Quit the game. =back =head1 OPTIONS =over 4 =item B<--gear> A number from 1-4. The higher the gear, the faster you go and the more points you score. The default is 1. =item B<--help>, B<-h>, B<-?> Display this help text. =item B<--quiet> If this option is set, sound effects are disabled. The default is sound is enabled. =item B<--trees> A number from 1-4. The higher the number, the greater the likelyhood a tree will be drawn. The default is 1. =item B<--twist> A number from 1-5. The higher the number the twistier the road will be. The default is 1. =item B<--width> A number from 1-32. Equal to half the width of the road. The default is 8. (So the default width of the road is 16.) =back =head1 INSTALLATION Make the script executable. You will also need the B and B packages from CPAN. =head1 BUGS/TODO Doesn't handle SIGWINCH yet or do color. =head1 AUTHOR Jaldhar H. Vyas Ejaldhar@braincells.comE =head1 LICENSE This code is free software under the Crowley Public License ("Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the license") =head1 CREDITS Based on Chris Kings' entry in the 2001 Obfuscated C Contest. =head1 VERSION 1.0 -- May 30, 2004 =cut