Since you give no usage what so ever, i can only speculate just exactly what you want to
output to look like. And more importantly, what the "rules" are. But i can say that you have a lot of needless code there. Try this instead:
use Data::Dumper;
my (%symbol,@old,@new);
my $max = 10;
my $ws_replace = '_';
my $letters_only = 1;
while (<DATA>) {
push @old, $_;
$_ = substr $_,0,10 if $max;
s/\s+/$ws_replace/g if $ws_replace;
s/\W+//g if $letters_only;
$_ .= $. if $symbol{$_}++;
push @new, $_;
print Dumper \@old, \@new;
my %compare;
@compare{@old} = @new;
print Dumper \@compare;
Line one
Line two
Another line
Lines end here not
Fourth line (used to be)
Line five
Lines end here
Lines end here too
And read
The Dynamic Duo --or-- Holy Getopt::Long, Pod::UsageMan!