#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Net::Ping; # use Module::Versions::Report; my @pinglist = ( 'localhost', 'www.google.com', ); # my $p = Net::Ping->new('icmp', 5); # my $p = Net::Ping->new('icmp', 5) or die "$!\n"; # my $p = Net::Ping->new('icmp', 5) or die "0+$!\n"; my $p = Net::Ping->new('icmp', 5) or die "$^E\n"; # for my $h (@pinglist) { # if ($p->ping($h, 5)) { print "(ok) $h"; } # else { print " $h"; } # print "\n"; # } $p->close; #### /* Nominal LarryWall Theme */ /* for use with Blue, Green, or Red themes */ body {background-color:#e0ff00;} A:link {color:#0000ff; background-color:inherit} A:visited {color:#800080; background-color:inherit} A:active {color:#ff0000; background-color:inherit} #### # ~/.bash_profile if [ -d ~/bin/Pmt ]; then export PM_USER=ybiC PATH="~/bin/Pmt:${PATH}" fi #!/bin/sh # ~/bin/PmtMp cd ~/bin/Pmt reset multipoll #!/bin/sh # ~/bin/Pmt/Ou while [ 1 ] do clear date other_users sleep 120 done #!/bin/sh # ~/bin/Pmt/Ssm clear shell send_msg #!/bin/sh # ~/bin/Pmt/Cb clear chatterbox -p 17 #### #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; { my %sub; $sub{foo} = sub{ whatever; }; $sub{bar} = sub{ whatever; whatever; }; $sub{bat} = sub{ whatever; }; $sub{moo} = sub{ whatever; whatever; whatever; }; } #### #! /usr/bin/perl -w # netsnmpt.pl use strict; use Net::SNMP(qw(snmp_event_loop oid_lex_sort)); my @targets = @ARGV; my @oid = ( '.', '.', '.', '.', ); # ifIndex # ifName # ifAdminStatus # ifOperStatus my ($session, $error, $response); for my $target(@targets) { ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP -> session( -hostname => $target, -community => 'public', ); print($session -> hostname(), "\n"); for my $oid(@oid) { if (defined($response = $session -> get_table($oid))) { for my $value(oid_lex_sort(keys(%{$response}))) { print($response -> {$value}, "\n"); } } else { print($session -> error(), "\n"); } } } #### package Cisco::Utils::Internal::DateTime; $VERSION = 0.02.00; @EXPORT_OK = qw(DateTime); use strict; use base 'Exporter'; sub DateTime { my($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year) = localtime(time); my $datetime = sprintf( "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec ); } 1; =head1 NAME DateTime =head1 SYNOPSIS DateTime is intended for use by Cisco::Utils modules. It's not meant for use directly from Perl scripts, and it's interface may change at any time without notice. DateTime accepts no arguments, and returns a scalar containing year, month, mday, hour, minute, second in human-readable format. YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Cisco::Utils::Internal::DateTime qw(DateTime); my $datetime = DateTime() or die "Error: $!"; print "$datetime\n"; =head1 UPDATE 2001-11-18 07:40 CDT Original working code. =head1 TODO Figure out enough h2xs to package this module for distribution. =head1 BUGS None that I know of. =head1 REQUIRES Nothing aside from Perl itself. =head1 AUTHOR ybiC =head1 CREDITS Thanks to Petruchio for kickstarting me into modulitazing my Ciscoey scripts. And to vroom for PerlMonks. =cut #### package Cisco::Utils::Internal::GetFromUser; $VERSION = 0.05.20; @EXPORT = qw(GetFromUser); use strict; use base 'Exporter'; use Term::ReadKey; use Term::ReadLine; sub GetFromUser { my $echo = shift(@_); my $timeout = shift(@_); my @prompt = @_; my $pass; $echo = 0 unless $echo == 1; $timeout = 60 unless(($timeout =~ /\d+/) and ($timeout >= 1)); @prompt = '' unless defined @prompt; ReadMode('noecho') if $echo == 0; print $_ for @prompt; if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { chomp ($pass = ); } else { $pass = ReadLine($timeout); } ReadMode('restore') if $echo == 0; unless(defined($pass)) { return 'Sorry, you waited too long to enter something.'; } chomp $pass; return $pass; } 1; =head1 NAME GetFromUser =head1 SYNOPSIS GetFromUser is intended for use by Cisco::Utils modules. It's not meant for use directly from Perl scripts, and it's interface may change at any time without notice. GetFromUser accepts 2 scalars and 1 array for input values: 1 - echo-to-screen: 1 for yes, 0 for no (default of no) 2 - timeout seconds: integer greater than zero (default of 60) 3 - prompt: text to prompt user to provide input (default of '') User prompt is here so echo disabled *before* user is prompted for input. Term::ReadKey provides no-echo while user typing password. Term::ReadLine provides timeout if wait too long. Win32 doesn't support timeout, 2nd arg still required before prompt text. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Cisco::Utils::Internal::GetFromUser; my $echo = 0; my $timeout = 120; my $favColor = GetFromUser( $echo, $timeout, "\nThe old man at the ropebridge asks\n", 'Wots yer favorite color? ', ); if $favColor eq 'Sorry, you waited too long to enter something.' { print "\nWooooaaahh!!\n\n" } else { print "\n$favColor, eh? You may pass.\n\n"; } =head1 UPDATE 2001-11-18 22:20 CDT Original working code. =head1 TODO Investigate Term::Prompt for cross-platform no-echo. Figure out enough h2xs to package this module for distribution. =head1 BUGS None that I know of. =head1 REQUIRES Term::ReadKey Term::ReadLine =head1 AUTHOR ybiC =head1 CREDITS Thanks to Petruchio for kickstarting me into modulitazing my Ciscoey scripts. And to vroom for PerlMonks. =cut #### package Cisco::Utils::Internal::PrintLogConsole; $VERSION = 0.02.09; @EXPORT_OK = qw(PrintLogConsole); use strict; use base 'Exporter'; sub PrintLogConsole { my ($file, $aRefMssgItems) = @_; open(FH, "> $file") or return "Error opening $file: $!\n"; for(@$aRefMssgItems){ print "$_\n"; print(FH "$_\n") or return "Error printing to $file: $!\n"; } close FH or return "Error closing $file: $!\n"; } 1; =head1 NAME PrintLogConsole =head1 SYNOPSIS PrintLogConsole is intended for use by Cisco::Utils modules. It's not meant for use directly from Perl scripts, and it's interface may change at any time without notice. PrintLogConsole accepts a list of two elements. The first is a scalar of the file to print to. The second is an array reference of the message(s) to print. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Cisco::Utils::Internal::PrintLogConsole qw(PrintLogConsole); my $logfile = './file.log'; my @msgs = ( "Starting program run", "La-la-la...", "Humina humina...", ); my $response = PrintLogConsole($logfile, \@msgs); unless ($response = 1) { print $response; exit; } =head1 UPDATE 2001-11-17 22:25 CDT Original working code. =head1 TODO Figure out enough h2xs to package this module for distribution. =head1 BUGS None that I know of. =head1 REQUIRES Nothing aside from Perl. =head1 AUTHOR ybiC =head1 CREDITS Thanks to Petruchio for kickstarting me into modulitazing my Ciscoey scripts. And to jcwren for scalar+array passing tips. And to vroom for PerlMonks. =cut #### package Cisco::Utils::Internal::Unique; $VERSION = 0.15.02; @EXPORT_OK = qw(Unique); use strict; use base 'Exporter'; use Tie::IxHash; sub Unique { my @inlist = @_; my (@uniq, %seen); my $have_TIxH; BEGIN { $have_TIxH = 0; eval { require Tie::IxHash }; unless ($@) { Tie::IxHash->import(); $have_TIxH = 1; } } tie (%seen, "Tie::IxHash") if ($have_TIxH == 1); ++$seen{$_} for(@inlist); @uniq = keys %seen; } 1; =head1 NAME Unique =head1 SYNOPSIS Unique is intended for use by Cisco::Utils modules. It's not meant for use directly from Perl scripts, and it's interface may change at any time without notice. Unique accepts a list, and returns a list containing only the unique elements. If Tie::IxHash is installed, the return elements are in the same order as the list input. If not, the order of the returned list elements are subject to Perl's unpredictable hash element ordering. #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Cisco::Utils::Internal::Unique qw(Unique); my $file = shift or die "You forgot to provide a filename!\n"; open (FH, "< $file") or die "Error opening $file for read: $!"; my @lines = ; close FH or die "Error closing $file: $!"; my @uniques = Unique(@lines) or die "Error: $!"; print "$_" for @uniques; =head1 UPDATE 2001-11-17 19:15CDT =head1 TODO Check for presence of Tie::IxHash before tieing %seen. =head1 BUGS None that I know of. =head1 REQUIRES Tie::IxHash =head1 AUTHOR ybiC =head1 CREDITS Thanks to Petruchio for kickstarting me into modulatizing my Ciscoey scripts. And to vroom for PerlMonks. =cut