playing with keyboard: שאלומ
'nother one for sulfuricacid :)
foreach my $wild (@wilds) {
if ($find !~ m/<font/) {
$find =~ s/$wild/<font color=red>$wild<\/font>/;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $find = q/some text to change x it x up/;
my @wilds = qw(x e o x);
my %seen_it = ();
my @good_wilds = grep(!$seen_it{$_}++, @wilds);
my $wild = join("", @good_wilds);
$find =~ s/([$wild])/<font color=red>$1<\/font>/g;
print "$find\n";
Possible way to address sulfuricacid's problem
my %hash = (
1 => ["apple"], 2 => ["melon", "grape"],
3 => ["pear", "orange"]
print "Level $_\n@{$hash{$_}}\n\n" for keys %hash;
#or possibly
my @array = (["apple"], ["melon", "grape"], ["pear", "orange"]);
print "Level ", ++$_, "\n@{$array[$_]}\n\n" for 0 .. $#array;
Calling new sub with an options hash
my $foo = Foo::Bar->new(name => 'blah', system => 'linux');
sub new {
my $pkg = shift;
my $self; { my %hash; $self = bless(\%hash, $pkg); }
# setup an options hash
my $options = {};
$self->{options} = $options;
# set options hash's defaults
%$options = (
logType => "both",
fileSize => 100000000,
fileExt => ".log",
filePath => "/tmp/",
fileName => $log->{filePath} . $report . $log->{fileExt},
fileCount => 3,
dbAgeSize => 1,
dbAgeUnit => "DAY",
dbConnStr => 'dbi:mysql:reports:localhost',
dbUser => "user",
dbPasswd => "*******",
status => "testing",
entry => "",
'system' => "none", #system's a keyword though, so might rename
name => "default",
# load in options supplied to new()
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#_; $i += 2) {
defined($_[($i + 1)]) or croak("odd number of options, should be i
+n option => value form");
$options->{lc($_[$i])} = $_[($i + 1)];
###possibly several more steps to test other options here
return $self;
Whoever asked about this
first script:
my %hash;
#get stuff from MySQL
my $param_value .= "$_ = $hash{$_}&" for keys %hash;
chop $param_value;
second script:
%fields = (row1=>"", row2=>"", row3=>"", row4=>"");
#where row1..4 = keys from %hash in first script
$field{$_} = $cgi->param($_) for %fields;
%fields = $cgi->Vars;
sub main {
use Data::Dumper;
my $self = shift;
my $q = $self->query; # create our CGI object
my $thread_id;
my $dbh = WebApp::DBI->connect("root", "***");
my $sth = $dbh->prepare(q{ select subject, author, date, content, id
+ from dh_journal where id = ? order by date desc limit 5 });
my (@rows, %row_data);
$sth->bind_columns( \( @row_data{ @{$sth->{NAME_lc} } } ));
push @rows, { %row_data } while $sth->fetch;
my $tmpl = $self->load_tmpl(
loop_context_vars =>1,
associate => $q,
filter => sub {
my $ref = shift;
$$ref =~ s|<duration>|(times())[0]|eg; # currently
+ <4ms (Oct 3 2005)}
$tmpl->param( rows => \@rows);
return $tmpl->output;
<p>Subject: <TMPL_VAR subject></p>
<p>Author: <TMPL_VAR author></p>
<p>Date: <TMPL_VAR date></p>
<p>Content: <TMPL_VAR content></p>
<p>ID: <TMPL_VAR id></p>
hok's stuff
#didn't answer the question but really cool:
# $sql=sprintf "select * from table where %s", join " and",
#print "$_ = ", join(";",$q-> param($_)),$/ for $q->param(); map { "lo
+cation='$_'" } @{$IN{location}}
use strict;
use CGI; #don't need :cgi if using OO
my ($cgi, $where, %IN);
$cgi = new CGI;
%IN = $cgi->Vars; #%IN = (param1 => value1, param2 => value2 , etc..);
$where .= "AND (";
for my $key (keys %IN)
die "some message" if $IN{$key} =~ /[^A-Z0-9]/i;
#some little bit of taint checking
next if $IN{$key} eq ""; #or next unless $IN{$key} or the like
$where .= qq( location = '$IN{$key}'
OR location = '$IN{$key}');
$where .= ")";
print "$where\n";
"pushing to a hash": simple demo. html file
var point = { upperLeft: { x: 2, y: 2 },
lowerRight: { x: 4, y: 4 } };
point.anotherLeft = {x: 7, y: 7};
// etc...
merlyn's tutorial on File::Finder
Newly added link not listed on What shortcuts can I use for linking to other information? = wp:// (wikipedia)
C++ stuff
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
std::vector<char> array;
char c = 0;
while(c != 'X')
//enter something X to quit