##sub THEFAKEOUT contains the actual nodelet ## the rest of the stuff is just for testing puroses ## you can see real life results after __END__ #=pod package FUDGE; sub new { return bless {}, shift }; { my $bob = 0; sub sqlSelect{ $bob++; ## IsApproved? return 1 if $bob==1; ## IsFrontpaged? return 1 if $bob==2; ## ApprovedBy? return 10277 if $bob==3; ## FrontpagedBy? return 10277 if $bob==4; ## IsConsidered? return "DELETE - OBVIOUS" if $bob==5; # I frontpage, approve, and consider everything }; } package main; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw( $NODE $DB ); $DB = new FUDGE; $NODE = { type => { title => "note" } }; sub getId{10277} sub linkNode{my($id,$alt)=@_;return"[id://$id".($alt?"|$alt]":"]");} sub getVars { return { types => "note,monkdiscuss", note_node => 1, note_linktype => 1, front_page => 1, frontpage_linktype => 1, }; }; sub getNode {} print "THEFAKEOUT
\n ", THEFAKEOUT(); #=cut sub THEFAKEOUT { # ahoy hoy # this just be the approval nodelet stripped naked (mostly) # title: Node Status # or # Mini Approval Nodelet # In the code below, you'll see a few comments like # IsApproved? # these ought to be made into htmlcodes, and eventually, make it # into their own package, like Everything::Moderation::Approval #[% my $SETTING = getVars( getNode('approval nodelet settings','setting') ); my $type = $NODE->{type}{title}; my %types; { my @types = split /,/, $SETTING->{types}; @types{@types} = (1) x @types; } return unless $types{$type} or grep( $_ eq $type, qw( modulereview bookreview note sourcecode snippet perltutorial perlnews ) ); my $nid = getId($NODE); my $ok = 0; ## IsApproved? $ok = $DB->sqlSelect( '*', 'links', "from_node = $SETTING->{$type.'_node'}" . " and to_node = $nid" . " and linktype = $SETTING->{$type.'_linktype'}", "limit 1" ) if $types{$type}; ## IsFrontpaged? my $fp = 0; $fp = $DB->sqlSelect( '*', 'links', "from_node = $SETTING->{'front_page'}" . " and to_node = $nid" . " and linktype = $SETTING->{'frontpage_linktype'}", "limit 1" ) if $types{$type}; ## Node Type ~ like %S for titles in [id://27|basichead] my $message = "Node Type: $NODE->{type}{title}
"; if( $ok || $fp ) { my $okid = 0; ## ApprovedBy? $okid = $DB->sqlSelect( 'user_id', 'approved', qq{node_id = $nid and action = "ok"}, "order by tstamp desc limit 1" ) if $ok; my $fpid = 0; ## FrontpagedBy? $fpid = $DB->sqlSelect( 'user_id', 'approved', qq{node_id = $nid and action = "fp"}, "order by tstamp desc limit 1" ) if $ok; ## The Actual Status Messages if( $ok and $okid ) { $message .= sprintf 'Approved by %s
', linkNode($okid); } else { $message .= "This node hasn't been approved yet
"; } if( $fp and $fpid ){ $message .= sprintf 'Front-paged by %s
', linkNode($fpid); } } ## IsConsidered? my $considered = $DB->sqlSelect( 'description', 'considernodes', "considernodes_id = $nid" ); if( $considered) { $considered =~ s/^[(](.+?)[)](.*)/ sprintf '(%s) %s', linkNodeTitle($1), $2/eg; $message .= linkNode(28877, 'Considered') . ': ' . $considered . '
'; } return $message . linkNode(17645, 'help'); #%] }# end of sub THEFAKEOUT __END__ # #### use Benchmark qw( cmpthese timethese ); use Storable qw( freeze thaw ); use Data::Denter qw( Indent Undent ); timethese( 2_000, { Data::Denter => \&DENTOR, Storable => \&STORKO }); print "\n\n\n"; cmpthese( 2_000, { Data::Denter => \&DENTOR, Storable => \&STORKO }); sub DENTOR { my $in = Indent \%BLARG; my %out = Undent $in; return(); } sub STORKO { my $in = freeze \%BLARG; my %out = %{ thaw($in)}; return(); } __END__ Benchmark: timing 2000 iterations of Data::Denter, Storable... Data::Denter: 12 wallclock secs (11.71 usr + 0.01 sys = 11.72 CPU) @ 170.69/s (n=2000) Storable: 6 wallclock secs ( 5.60 usr + 0.00 sys = 5.60 CPU) @ 357.27/s (n=2000) Benchmark: timing 2000 iterations of Data::Denter, Storable... Data::Denter: 12 wallclock secs (11.80 usr + 0.00 sys = 11.80 CPU) @ 169.53/s (n=2000) Storable: 6 wallclock secs ( 5.62 usr + 0.00 sys = 5.62 CPU) @ 356.06/s (n=2000) Rate Data::Denter Storable Data::Denter 170/s -- -52% Storable 356/s 110% -- #### # $DB = tie ... DB_File .. BTREE $DB->get($key, $value), $DB->put($key, $value, R_NOOVERWRITE|R_SETCURSOR); # is a dumber way of saying $DB->seq($key, $value, R_CURSOR); # now you know #### bash-2.05$ cat MyConfig.pm # This is CPAN.pm's systemwide configuration file. This file provides # defaults for users, and the values can be changed in a per-user # configuration file. The user-config file is being looked for as # ~/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm. $CPAN::Config = { 'build_cache' => q[10], 'build_dir' => q[/home/crazyinsomniac/.cpan/build], 'cache_metadata' => q[1], 'cpan_home' => q[/home/crazyinsomniac/.cpan], 'dontload_hash' => { }, 'ftp' => q[/usr/bin/ftp], 'ftp_proxy' => q[], 'getcwd' => q[cwd], 'gzip' => q[/usr/bin/gzip], 'http_proxy' => q[], 'inactivity_timeout' => q[0], 'index_expire' => q[1], 'inhibit_startup_message' => q[0], 'keep_source_where' => q[/home/crazyinsomniac/.cpan/sources], 'lynx' => q[/usr/local/bin/lynx], 'make' => q[/usr/bin/make], 'make_arg' => q[], 'make_install_arg' => q[], 'makepl_arg' => q[LIB=/home/crazyinsomniac/perlmodlib PREFIX=/home/crazyinsomniac/perlmodlib INSTALLMANDIR=/home/crazyinsomniac/perlmodlib/man INSTALLMAN3DIR=/home/crazyinsomniac/perlmodlib/man3], 'ncftp' => q[], 'ncftpget' => q[], 'no_proxy' => q[], 'pager' => q[more], 'prerequisites_policy' => q[follow], 'scan_cache' => q[atstart], 'shell' => q[/bin/csh], 'tar' => q[/usr/bin/tar], 'term_is_latin' => q[1], 'unzip' => q[/usr/local/bin/unzip], 'urllist' => q[push], 'wait_list' => [q[wait://ls6.informatik.uni-dortmund.de:1404]], 'wget' => q[], }; 1; __END__ #### #!/usr/bin/perl -w use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser ); use CGI qw(:all); use CPAN; use Data::Dumper; print header; if( exists $ENV{QUERY_STRING} and $ENV{QUERY_STRING} =~ /runit/ ) { print "installing Pod::Stripper, check back in a few minutes"; exec($^X, '-MCPAN', "-e'install(qq,Pod::Stripper,)'") or print "couldn't exec"; } else { print pre(escapeHTML(Dumper \%CPAN::Config)); # to make sure it's what you want } ####

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