--- old Wed Jan 21 20:25:54 2004
+++ new Wed Jan 21 20:26:45 2004
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
use Getopt::Long;
use Win32;
use Win32::OLE qw( in );
@@ -13,125 +15,54 @@
my( $fMachine,
$Name ) = ( $Domain =~ /(\\\\)?(.*)$/ );
my $Class = ( "" eq $fMachine )? "domain" : "computer";
- print "WinNT://$Name,$Class";
if ( my $AD = Win32::OLE->GetObject( "WinNT://$Name,$Class" ) )
# user accounts only
$AD->{Filter} = [ "User" ];
- print "Crap\n";
foreach my $User ( in($AD) )
if( $User->{AccountDisabled} == $Config{disable} )
if ($User->{Name} =~ /^[a-zA-Z]{8}?$/) {
- $dn = SearchAD( "$User->{Name}" );#cw0831 adamwol
+ my $PropertyList = GetProperties( $User );
- sub SearchAD
- {
- ($Account) = @_;
- undef $AdsPath;
- $Root = Win32::OLE->GetObject("LDAP://Roo
- $DefaultDomainNC = $Root->Get("DefaultNam
- undef $Root;
- if ("" eq $DefaultDomainNC)
- {
- Win32::MsgBox("Error. Did not get
+ the Default Naming Context",
+ , "Source User Error");
- return;
- }
- $ADOConn = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Connect
- $ADOConn->{Provider} = ("ADsDSOObject");
- $ADOConn->{ConnectionString} = ($DefaultD
- $ADOConn->Open("Active Directory Provider
- $ADOCommand = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Comm
- $ADOCommand->{ActiveConnection} = $ADOCon
- $ADSQuery = "SELECT AdsPath FROM \'LDAP:/
+/$DefaultDomainNC\' WHERE samAccountName = \'$Account\'
- $ADOCommand->{CommandText} = $ADSQuery;
- $ResultSet = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Recor
- $ResultSet = $ADOConn->Execute($ADSQuery)
- $AdsPath = $ResultSet->Fields(0)->{Value}
- $ResultSet->Close;
- $ADOConn->Close;
- return($AdsPath);
- }
- $ADSIObj = Win32::OLE ->GetObject( "$dn" );
- #$ADSIObj->MoveHere("$dn", "cn=jdoe");
- #Set usr = ou.CreateObject ("user", "cn=jsmith")
- #usr.Put "samAccountName", "jsmith"
- #usr.Put "userPrincipalName", jsmith@wrox.com
- #usr.setInfo
- my $PropertyList = GetProperties( $ADSIObj );
- # ASP example of add user to AD
- #Set ou = GetObject(".")
- #Set usr = ou.CreateObject ("user", "cn=jsmith")
- #usr.Put "samAccountName", "jsmith"
- #usr.Put "userPrincipalName", jsmith@wrox.com
- #usr.setInfo
- # ASP example of rename an object in the Active d
- #ou = GetObject(".cn=johnd")
- #ou.MoveHere (usr.ADsPath, "cn=jdoe")
-# print "\ndisplayName = $ADSIObj->{displayName}\n
-# my $userPrincipalName = $ADSIObj->{Name};
-# @user_name = split /=/, $userPrincipalName;
- #$userPrincipalName .= "\@lbcrsed.net";
- #print "userPrincipalName = $userPrincipalName\n"
-# $ADSIObj->{userPrincipalName} = "$user_name[1]";
-# $givenName = $ADSIObj->{displayName};
-# $givenName =~ s/^(\w+)(.*)/$1/;
- #print "givenName = $givenName\n";
-# $ADSIObj->{givenName} = "$givenName";
- #$ADSIObj->{cn} = $ADSIObj->{displayName};
-# $sn = $ADSIObj->{displayName};
-# $sn =~ s/^(.*)(\s)(\w+)/$3/;
- #print "sn = $sn\n";
-# $ADSIObj->{sn} = "$sn";
- #print "CN=$ADSIObj->{displayName}\n";
- #$ADSIObj->{name} = "CN=$ADSIObj->{displayName}";
- #$ADSIObj->{cn} = "$ADSIObj->{displayName}";
- #die;
- $ADSIObj->{profilePath} = "";
- $ADSIObj->SetInfo; # Don't forget to set the valu
-# print "\n\n$ADSIObj->{Name}\n\n";
-# my $PropertyList = GetProperties( $ADSIObj );
-# foreach ( sort( @{$PropertyList} ) )
-# {
-# next if( " " eq $_ );
-# print "\t $_: $ADSIObj->{$_}\n";
-# }
- die;
- sub GetProperties
- {
- my( $Obj ) = @_;
- my @Properties;
- if ( my $Schema = Win32::OLE->GetObject( $Obj
+->{Schema} ) )
- {
- foreach ( $Schema->{MandatoryProperties},
- $Schema->{OptionalProperties} )
- {
- push( @Properties, @{$_} ) if( define
+d $_ );
- }
- }
- return ( \@Properties );
- }
+ print " $Domain\\$User->{Name}\n";
+ print " $User->{Profile}\n";
+ $User->{Profile} = "";
+ $User->SetInfo; # Don't forget to set the values
+ #print "\n\n$ADSIObj->{Name}\n\n";
+ #foreach ( sort( @{$PropertyList} ) )
+ #{
+ # next if( " " eq $_ );
+ # print "\t $_: $User->{$_}\n";
+ #}
+ print " $User->{Profile}\n\n";
+ #$User->{profilePath} = "value";
+ #$ADSIObj->SetInfo; # Don't forget to set the val
+sub GetProperties
+ my( $Obj ) = @_;
+ my @Properties;
+ if ( my $Schema = Win32::OLE->GetObject( $Obj->{Schema} ) )
+ {
+ foreach ( $Schema->{MandatoryProperties},
+ $Schema->{OptionalProperties} )
+ {
+ push( @Properties, @{$_} ) if( defined $_ );
+ }
+ }
+ return ( \@Properties );
sub Configure
Working CGI file upload script
use warnings;
use strict;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use Fcntl qw( :DEFAULT :flock );
use File::Basename;
use constant UPLOAD_DIR => '/var/www/htdocs/incoming/';
use constant TYPES => qw( .txt .jpg );
use constant BUFFER_SIZE => 16_384;
use constant MAX_FILE_SIZE => 1_048_576;
use constant MAX_DIR_SIZE => 100 * 1_048_576;
use constant MAX_OPEN_TRIES => 100;
my $q = new CGI;
sub dir_size {
my $dir = shift;
my $dir_size = 0;
# Loop through files and sum the sizes; doesn't descend down subdi
opendir DIR, $dir or error( $q, "Unable to open $dir: $!" );
my $fred;
while ( $fred = readdir DIR ) {
$dir_size += -s "$dir/$fred";
return $dir_size;
my $os = $q->param('os');
my $file = $q->param('file');
my $title = $q->param('title');
my $fh = $q->upload('file');
my $buffer = '';
error( $q, 'Upload directory is full.' );
elsif ( $file ne '' ) {
my ( $base, $path, $ext ) = fileparse( $file, qr/\..*/ );
my $num_types = scalar TYPES;
my $maybe = 0;
foreach my $type (TYPES) {
$maybe++ if $type !~ /$ext/i;
error( $q,
'Invalid file type. Please upload only '
. join ( ' ', TYPES )
. ' files.' )
unless $maybe < $num_types;
my $filename = $base . $ext;
$filename =~ s/[^\w.-]/_/g;
if ( $filename =~ /^(\w[\w.-]*)/ ) {
$filename = $1;
else {
error( $q,
'Invalid file name. Files must start with a letter or
# Open output file, making sure the name is unique.
until (
sysopen OUTPUT,
UPLOAD_DIR . "/$filename",
$filename =~ s/(\d*)($ext)$/($1||0) + 1 . $2/e;
# $1 >= MAX_OPEN_TRIES and error( $q, 'Unable to save your
+file.' );
# This is necessary for non-Unix systems; does nothing on Unix
binmode OUTPUT;
my $bytes = 0;
while ( $bytes = read( $file, $buffer, BUFFER_SIZE ) ) {
print OUTPUT $buffer or croak $!;
close OUTPUT or croak ($!);
print $q->header, $q->start_html( -title => 'Successful Upload
+!', ),
$q->h1('Your file was successfully uploaded!'), $q->end_html
else {
error( $q, 'You must specify a file to upload.' );
sub error {
my $q = shift;
my $error = shift;
Getting started programming perl on Win32
Most tutorials on the internet make the assumption that
you use perl installed on a *nix based operating system
like Redhat Linux, not on a "Win32" system like Windows
95, 98 or NT. They are the most part similar since perl
is perl but there are differences.
Getting Perl
Perl is packaged and maintained by our friends at Active
State and is called ActivePerl. To start the download
process you go to
You can choose either the active package or the windows
installer (MSI) version. To install the MSI version you
will need to have windows installer on your computer. If
you have Windows XP you will most likely
already have it. Otherwise you can download it from Microsoft
here for 95,98, or Me
here for NT and 2000
Your first perl program
A perl program is a text file that contain instructions
for the computer to perform written in the perl language.
Hence you need to enter these instructions using a text
editor such as Notepad. You can buy other editors such
as Ultraedit and Komodo. One of the advantages of these
editors is that they can highlight words using different
colours with special meanings for the perl language aiding
you learning.
The first program to type in would be a simple one that prints
"Hello, World!" on the screen. Start your editor and type in
the following
print 'Hello, World\n";
Save it to the hard disk with an extension of .pl. This will
tell windows that it is a perl script.
NOTE: If you use notepad make sure to change the file type
in the save as dialog to any file. If you leave it as Text
File (*.txt) Notepad will sometimes save the file as filename.pl.txt.
Since the last extension is .txt double clicking on the file
will open it in Notepad and not run the script.
To run perl scripts you normally just have to double click on
them. Since this prints to the command prompt window double
clicking on this will bring up a black box that will diassappear
before you see anything. Instead to run this program click start
then run and type in the name of the command interpreter. For
Windows 95, 98 and Me it is command. For Windows NT 2000 and XP it is cmd.
Once the black command prompt window change to the directory where
the script is and type in the name of the script with .pl. I saved
mine as hello.pl in the root directory of my c drive so I did
You should see the following
c:\> hello.pl
Hello, World
Things to note when reading code written for *nix platforms.
When you see
This is what tells the *nix command interpreter(shell)
or similar you can translate it to
But on the Windows platform this is indicated by the .pl extension.