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Boldra's scratchpad

by Boldra (Deacon)
on Jun 02, 2004 at 03:27 UTC ( [id://359100]=scratchpad: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

sub all_arguments { my ( $self, $machine_template ) = @_; my @all_sids = map { $_->sid } $machine_template->all_systems; return ( Class->new_from_instance( $self, sid => { maximum_size => 3, + valid_values => \@all_sids } ), Class->new_from_instance( hostname => $self ), Class->new_from_moose_meta_attribute( $self->meta->get_attribute('sid') => { maximum_size => 3, valid_values => \@all_sids } ), Class->new_from_moose_meta_attribute( $self->meta->get_attribute('hostname') ), ); } sub all_arguments_arrayref { my ( $self, $machine_template ) = @_; my @all_sids = map { $_->sid } $machine_template->all_systems; my @arguments = Cloud::SSF::PluginArgument->new_from_moose_meta_at +tribute( $self->meta->get_attribute('sid'), { maximum_length => 3, valid_values => \@all_sids, } ), Cloud::SSF::PluginArgument->new_from_moose_meta_attribute( $self->meta->get_attribute('depends_on'), { children => [ Cloud::SSF::PluginArgument->new( { name => 'sid', type => 'Str', is_required => 1, children => [], valid_value => [], ), Cloud::SSF::PluginArgument->new( { name => 'remote_lgtst', type => 'HashRef', is_required => 1, children => [ Cloud::SSF::PluginArgument->new( { name => 'port_nr', is_required => 1, type => 'Int', } ), Cloud::SSF::PluginArgument->new( { name => 'port_nr', type => 'Int', is_required => 1, } ), ], } ), ], } ); return \@arguments; }
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