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Handling huge BLOB fields with DBI and MySQL

by alex27 (Initiate)
on Jun 03, 2004 at 13:57 UTC ( [id://360147]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

alex27 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

i saw the topic: Handling huge BLOB fields with DBI and MySQL ,and while playing with it i found out that when ever the data had to be split up ,when i try to fetch the file it was always damaged.any ideas why ths happens??
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Re: Handling huge BLOB fields with DBI and MySQL
by fuzzyping (Chaplain) on Jun 03, 2004 at 14:10 UTC
    Well, I'm not sure which topic/node you're referring to, but do you understand that a BLOB is binary? Please show some code examples so we can see what you're trying to accomplish (and how).

      I read this node "Handling huge BLOB fields with DBI and MySQL"

      I dont do anything diferent in the original code

      When i upload/download to my database a word document that the code does not have to split there is no problem.   When the file has to be split up, due to its large size, after the code fetch's it from the database, it is always damaged

      janitored by ybiC: Made node link active, minor format tweaks for legibility.

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