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dada's scratchpad

by dada (Chaplain)
on Jun 03, 2004 at 19:22 UTC ( [id://360383]=scratchpad: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

package Tie::StorableHash; use Storable; sub TIEHASH { my $class = shift; my $storage = shift || "autostorage"; my $instance = shift || {}; $instance = retrieve $storage if -e $storage; return bless { value => $instance, storage => $storage, } => $class; } sub FETCH { #print "FETCH got $_[1]\n"; return $_[0]->{value}->{$_[1]}; } sub STORE { #print "STORE got $_[1] = $_[2]\n"; $_[0]->{value}->{$_[1]} = $_[2]; store $_[0]->{value}, $_[0]->{storage}; } sub DESTROY { undef $_[0]; } package main; tie %karma, Tie::StorableHash, "autostorage", {}; print "karma=%karma\n"; print "$karma{dada}\n"; $karma{dada}++; print "$karma{dada}\n"; $karma{larsen} = { value => 1000, comment => "troppo", } unless exists $karma{larsen}; print "$karma{larsen}->{value}\n";

here's the bug (tested with perl 5.6.(0..1) on Win32):

use warnings + close(STDERR) causes the angle brackets operator (eg. <FILE>) to fail.

take this little script and save it to a file (we'll call it

use warnings; close (STDERR); open(ME, "$0"); while (<ME>) { print; } close ME;
now execute it (perl and it returns only the first line of the script. if you comment close(STDERR), the whole script is printed out.

for PodMaster:
use Win32::API 0.20; my $GetFullPathName = new Win32::API( 'kernel32', 'GetFullPathName', 'PNPP' => 'N', ); my $GetLongPathName = new Win32::API( 'kernel32', 'GetLongPathName', 'PPN' => 'N', ); my $file = $ARGV[0] || ''; my $full = "\0" x 2048; my $name = 0; my $rc; $rc = $GetFullPathName->Call( $file, 2048, $full, $name ); if($rc == 0) { die "GetFullPathName failed ($^E)\n"; } else { $full = unpack('A*', $full); print "GetFullPathName returned '$full'\n"; my $long = "\0" x 2048; $rc = $GetLongPathName->Call( $full, $long, 2048 ); $long = unpack('A*', $long); if($rc == 0) { die "GetLongPathName failed ($^E)\n"; } else { print "GetLongPathName returned '$long'\n"; } }

for BrowserUk:

#! perl -sw use strict; use Inline C => 'DATA'; my $num = '1'; print looks_like_number($num), $/; __DATA__ __C__ int looks_like_number(SV* var) { dTHX; return Perl_looks_like_number(aTHX_ var); }

for giant:

package Tie::PrintfScalar; sub TIESCALAR { my($class, $printf) = @_; return bless { value => undef, printf => $printf, }; } sub STORE { my($self, $value) = @_; return $self->{value} = $value; } sub FETCH { my($self) = @_; return sprintf($self->{printf}, $self->{value}); } sub DESTROY { undef ${$_[0]}; } 1; package main; my $nr; tie $nr, Tie::PrintfScalar, '%02d'; $nr = 2; print "$nr\n";


#include <stdio.h> #include <windows.h> typedef int (__stdcall * mycallback)(int); int do_callback( mycallback cb, int v) { int r = cb(v); return r; } int CALLBACK callback( int a) { printf("callback got %d\n", a); return a*2; } int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int r; r = do_callback(callback, 21); printf("main got %d\n", r); return 0; }
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