You are not testing whether the open statements worked before continuing on.
Also, what is the point of the for loop? A simple print $data; should suffice since the numbers will all appear on one line once the funky stuff is removed (since you are not printing a <br />). The funky stuff that I mentioned are the curly braces and they are killing the script.
Here's your for loop with the curly braces removed (and a couple mys for good measure):
for ( my $count = 0; $count < length( $data ); $count++ ) {
my $number = substr( $data, $count, 1 );
print( $number, "\n" );
Here is another way to do that loop (bonus! I added the <br />s):
for my $number (split //, $data) {
print "$number<br />\n";
Someone is bound to say this if I don't.... You can even do it with a one-liner:
print "$_<br />\n" for (split //, $data);
Update: Rewrote the last sentence in the second paragraph for clarity. |