Useful PM links
- Writeup Formatting Tips
- Perl Monks Approved HTML tags
- What shortcuts can I use for linking to other information?
Useful nodes
- Lock your own DATA filehandle to ensure only a single instance of your code is running
- Fun with Hook::LexWrap and code instrumentation
- Small test harness for testing basic auth
- On debugging "Premature End of Script" errors
- Re: Perl Testing and Quality Assurance
- Re^2: Best Practices for Exception Handling
- Unit Testing Generated HTML
- Watching tests...
- The Dynamic Duo --or-- Holy Getopt::Long, Pod::UsageMan!
- Damian Conway's ten rules for when to use OO
- Often Overlooked OO Programming Guidelines
- Accessing Microsoft SQL Server from Linux using DBD::Sybase
- Find::File::Rule usage example
- Link to other people's writeups
- Create a 'recent buddy nodes' link
- How a script becomes a module
- Being more Assert-ive with Perl