Hello. For what it's worth, I wrote the following to be able to determine whether date1 is within 3 days of date2 etc. I didn't know about Date::Manip.
sub abs_day
# this subroutine accepts a month, day, and two-digit year in
# mm/dd/yy numerical form, e.g., 3/23/04.
# it then calculates the "absolute day",
# i.e., the number of days
# since day 0, which is the turn of the 21st century.
# so, 1/10/2000 is absolute day 10;
# 1/10/2001 is absolute day 376
# (because year 2000 was a leap year).
# the routine deals with leap years by
# multiplying years by 365.25, and then rounding down.
my $month = shift(@_);
my $day = shift(@_);
my $year = shift(@_);
if ($debug)
print "i'm in abs_day and month is $month,",
" day is $day, year is $year\n";
my $abs_day;
# so each year has 365.25 days
# years are of the form 00, 01, 02, etc.
$abs_day = $year * 365.25;
# add .75 to account for fact that year 00 is a leap year
$abs_day = $abs_day + .75;
if ($debug)
print "abs_day is $abs_day after adding .75 to yr*365\n";
if ($month == 1) #jan
$abs_day = $abs_day + 0;
if ($month == 2) #feb
$abs_day = $abs_day + 31;
# starting in march, we add .25 to number of days
# to account for leap year
if ($month == 3) #mar
$abs_day = $abs_day + 59.25;
if ($month == 4) #apr
$abs_day = $abs_day + 90.25;
if ($month == 5) #may
$abs_day = $abs_day + 120.25;
if ($month == 6) #jun
$abs_day = $abs_day + 151.25;
if ($month == 7) #jul
$abs_day = $abs_day + 181.25;
if ($month == 8) #aug
$abs_day = $abs_day + 212.25;
if ($month == 9) #sep
if ($month == 11) #nov
$abs_day = $abs_day + 304.25;
if ($month == 12) #dec
$abs_day = $abs_day + 334.25;
$abs_day = $abs_day + $day;
if ($debug)
print "now that we have added year, month, and",
" day, abs_day is $abs_day\n";
$abs_day = sprintf "%d", $abs_day;
if ($debug)
print "now that we have converted from float to integer,",
" abs_day is $abs_day\n";
return $abs_day;