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Error: Can't use global $^W in "my"

by Likeless (Acolyte)
on Jul 08, 2004 at 16:57 UTC ( [id://372857]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Likeless has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Dear Monks,

I am intermittently receiving these errors on my production web server (Apache):

[Fri Apr 30 15:17:31 2004] [error] Can't use global $^W in "my" at /usr/www/httpd/cgi-bin/script.cgi line 1, near "{$^W "

It happens about three times a day, and on many different scripts. All the scripts are running under mod_perl, and I have not used the $^W variable explicitly in any of them (in fact, I didn't know what it was until I got these errors).

Most of my scripts start something like this:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w BEGIN { unshift(@INC, "./modules"); }; use strict;
If it helps at all, some details of my system are:

Red Hat Linux 9.0
Perl 5.8.0
Apache/1.3.28 mod_gzip/

mod_perl entry in httpd.conf:
SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::Registry PerlModule Apache::DBI PerlSendHeader On PerlRequire /usr/www/httpd/cgi-bin/modperl/ Options +ExecCGI
I hope you can help. Thanks in advance!

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Error: Can't use global $^W in "my"
by bmann (Priest) on Jul 08, 2004 at 17:03 UTC
    Here's what perl sees with the -w switch on the shebang:

    $ perl -MO=Deparse #!perl -w ^D BEGIN { $^W = 1; } - syntax OK

    use warnings; instead of -w will stop the warnings since you're using a recent perl.

Re: Error: Can't use global $^W in "my"
by perrin (Chancellor) on Jul 08, 2004 at 22:41 UTC
    This probably has something to do with Apache::Registry and how it tries to handle the -w flag for you even though it's essentially too late for it. We could debug it with you on the mod_perl list if you can give us a sample script that causes it. However, as others pointed out, switching to "use warnings" will make it go away.
Re: Error: Can't use global $^W in "my"
by dsb (Chaplain) on Jul 08, 2004 at 17:17 UTC
    You cannot use my to declare any of the magical built-in variables Perl has.

    If you want to modify the value of a built in, you must use local to do it, and then the modification will be local to the enclosing code block.

    Update: Time to revisit local :)

    This is my cool %SIG
      If you want to modify the value of a built in, you must you local to do it, and then the modification will be local to the enclosing code block.

      A better approach, which doesn't suffer from the problems of dynamic scoping with local, would be to use the lexically scoped (no) warnings pragma instead for this particular situation - see perllexwarn

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