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Re^2: A modest request of Merlyn

by delirium (Chaplain)
on Jul 13, 2004 at 12:50 UTC ( [id://373951]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: A modest request of Merlyn
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Re^3: A modest request of Merlyn
by dragonchild (Archbishop) on Jul 13, 2004 at 13:03 UTC
    You are indeed objecting to the personal attack, otherwise you would not have stated the following:

    I would like to request instead that you remove your standard disclaimer link from your signature, since what is alleged in the disclaimer is untrue.

    You claim what is in the disclaimer is untrue. merlyn is claiming that any unpleasant words are not a personal attack. Ergo, you are claiming merlyn engaged in a personal attack. Whether or not you were offended by it is irrelevant. You are objecting to the prescence of what you are construing to be a personal attack.

    Now, my statement to grow a thicker skin is assuming you were offended by it. I did not read the latter half of the OP close enough, because you claim you were not offended. My bad.

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      I think that disclaimer has been used like this:
      "No offense, but you're an asshole. I said 'no offense'"
      Now, I have no problem with someone calling me names or what have you. I'll probably disagree, but at least we can have an adult discourse on the subject. But don't prance about as though you have nothing but the purest of intentions. It's almost as though that disclaimer is used as an aegis against any rebuttal to acerbic comments made on merlyn's behalf. That I have problems with.


      Understood literally, he is not objecting to an attack but to hypocrisy. Though it's hard to see why without assuming that he does indeed object.

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