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Re^2: A modest request of Merlyn

by delirium (Chaplain)
on Jul 13, 2004 at 15:51 UTC ( [id://374045]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: A modest request of Merlyn
in thread A modest request of Merlyn

Well, I'm not going to disagree with you about that.

I do disagree that this thread should be deleted, though. This is the sort of thing that needs to be talked about in a community, otherwise it's just a tech forum where nobody knows each other. The philosopher in me wants to get issues like speaking freely, and a desire for honesty from those we respect out on the table for people to talk about.

Even if the result is nothing more than a few downvotes for me and "why are you wasting our time with this hooey" comments, it's still important that a community be allowed to discuss it openly.

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Re^3: A modest request of Merlyn
by Skeeve (Parson) on Jul 13, 2004 at 16:29 UTC
    > I do disagree that this thread should be deleted, though.
    And you were not the only one ;-) I think, my vote was the only pro-delete one.

    > it's still important that a community be allowed to discuss it openly.
    My motivation wasn't censorship but my impression that
    1. this isn't that important
    2. removing any trace of foolish behaviour of someone who doesn't want to be mistaken as a fool ;-)

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