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Re^2: A modest request of Merlyn

by delirium (Chaplain)
on Jul 13, 2004 at 19:16 UTC ( [id://374107]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: A modest request of Merlyn
in thread A modest request of Merlyn

Please let me know what behavior of mine in this thread seems troll-like. I attempted to make very clear that I was not offended by anything said to me, and that a disclaimer linked to in a signature was untruthful and should be removed.

If you would like to search through some of my other posts, you will see that I am a regular contributor to this community, that I am not a troublemaker, and that I attempt to help people with the perl problems they present here.

Here are a few examples:

A number of people are disagreeing with me in this thread. This does not make me a troll. This area of the site is for non-perl problems, and topics like this frequently come up here.

I imagine some members here are assuming that I am trying to be a troll because the object of this post is a valued community member. I value Merlyn as much as the next member, just look at my profile.

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Re^3: A modest request of Merlyn
by revdiablo (Prior) on Jul 13, 2004 at 21:04 UTC

    Please let me know what behavior of mine in this thread seems troll-like.

    These are the behaviors I consider troll-like:

    • You took a relatively obscure post of yours (which merlyn failed to reply to) and elevated it to a whole top-level node.
    • You have insistently replied to many nodes in this thread. Granted, you started it to engage in a discussion, but there is a point where you should just let the comments stand (e.g. posting 8 levels deep seems a bit excessive to dwell on one minor point).
    • In your own words, you described your enjoyment of "heated discussions."

    If you would like to search through some of my other posts, you will see that I am a regular contributor to this community

    This is why I hesitated to call you an outright troll, and added the caveat that it might just be "troll-like behavior." I have not reviewed your entire post history, and am not prepared to completely write you off. I hope my post wasn't read in that way.

    I imagine some members here are assuming that I am trying to be a troll because the object of this post is a valued community member.

    Please do not consider me in that group. As I stated, my post had no substantive reply. I do not think merlyn is particularly mean-spirited, but I'm not in any position to defend or condemn his behavior. I was simply commenting on yours.

        I'm sorry, but as fun as it is, I don't consider the Jargon File an authoritative source. Even if it was, then the worst I did was use the wrong word. I clearly explained what I considered problematic. I laid out some very specific behaviors, and you haven't replied to them in any meaningful way.

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