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RE: RE: RE: Re: SMTP logging server

by blogan (Monk)
on Oct 19, 2000 at 04:21 UTC ( [id://37453]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to RE: RE: Re: SMTP logging server
in thread SMTP logging server

I think the original poster would rather be looking for the line: RCPT TO: And then just record the e-mail address here. This would just be one more branch in your code. Also, I'm a newbie, but shouldn't you be recording all the log information at one time? To prevent two clients from writing to the log at the same time.

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RE: RE: RE: RE: Re: SMTP logging server
by cianoz (Friar) on Oct 19, 2000 at 16:09 UTC
    You are right, the code should also flock() the log file or a sentinel file and maybe do a lot more things off course... my code was just a trivial example...

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