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RE: Template Toolkit vs HTML::Masonby princepawn (Parson) |
on Oct 23, 2000 at 16:50 UTC ( [id://37891]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Some of this post is corroboration of merylyn's post, some parts are rebuttle. I think the bottom line is that no-one has completed an empirical comparison of the all the major web application development frameworks for Perl. I have listed all of them on my home node, they are:
Regarding Template, one must observe that it is middle-of-the-road. That is, on one hand, the conservative hand, we have HTML::Template which only allows one to place variables in HTML and thus demands maximum code re-use should you want to throw away your old HTML. On the other hand, the liberal hand, we have HTML::Embperl, where you can place Perl code right inside your HTML. In this case, you may not get around to creating abstractions and may not get the code-reuse the HTML::Template offers. But, it does offer abstraction mechanisms. You can create HTML::Subs which are like Perl subs, only their default language is HTML and you must escape to do Perl processing. Example:
And then of course, we have smack-dab in the middle, Template, the Template Toolkit. It allows you to play the conservative game and only inline Perl variables. But its %% PERL %% tag allows you to get as butt-wild as cpan::HTML::Embperl if you feel like it to. So, really, it is high-time that someone assess these modules based on full-blown development instead of all of the piecemeal arguments and flame wars that I have seen to date.
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