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Perl: the Markov chain saw

by jdporter (Paladin)
on Aug 17, 2004 at 23:00 UTC ( [id://383819]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: Chatterbox Clients
Author/Contact Info /msg jdporter
Description: See embedded POD.

$VERSION = '0.18';


=head1 NAME - A modern PerlMonks client, in Perl/Tk


A multi-purpose PerlMonks client.  Lets you keep up with PM actvity
in real time.  You know when you get new private messages, when new
nodes get posted, when users come and go.  Also lets you read and
post in the Chatterbox.  Includes a configurable alert mechanism,
to notify you when messages containing any pattern come across the cb.
It also has the ability to display RSS feeds (currently, demo only).

Features (partial list):

  Selectable anonymous / login mode
  Selectable tickers
  PM-style shortcuts are recognized, and launch in your browser
  CB pre-loads its window with the content from [cbhistory]
  Pops up an alert window when your user-defined pattern is seen in th
+e CB
  Also functions as a RSS news reader

This script has been tested with ActiveState Perl build 808 (Perl 5.8.
on both Windows 2000 and Linux (SuSE 9.1).
It has no dependencies on any software not included in AS Perl 808.
On other platforms, you may need to install some modules.

=head1 AUTHOR

  /msg jdporter

=head1 HISTORY


    s/Schlepper/Channel/g. (However, the method is still named 'schlep
    This is part of a refactoring which moves the 'writeln' calls (and
    any 'clear' calls) to the Viewer class. It is now the Viewer's 
    responsibility to decide what items get listed, how.  

    You can now configure a window to use a channel after the channel 
    already been activated.

    Channel::RSS now knows how to handle RSS1/RDF vs RSS2/RSS0.9x
    automatically. No need to specify the key_by field at construct ti
    Just throw in a URL and it should "just work".

    All the Channel types manage data lists uniformly now.
    Now their only responsibility is to convert the datastructure into
    that uniform list format.

    Fixed a bug with link visibility.


    Watchers are configured to watch different fields of the input rec
    The knowledge of this field set is in the Channel, naturally.

    Eliminated DataSource concrete classes; merged them into their cor
    Channel concrete subclasses.  Now DataSource is only a base class.
    Note that DataSource now assumes it's being realized in a concrete
    Channel class, due to that its methods call things like $self->use
    Merged the get() subs (from DataSource) into the schlep() subs;
    cleaned up the schlep() subs, changing the way some of them decide
+ what
    to render.

    Now, when you create a new tab, it is raised immediately.

    ChatterBox re-horks the cbhistory each time it's turned on, not ju
+st the first time.

    When a channel is turned on, it doesn't start schlepping immediate
    it has an initial delay (currently 1 sec).


    fixed bug that prevents re-using a tab name.

    added scrollbars to text widgets.

    Tk app now shows busy cursor (hourglass) during schleps.

    Ctrl-A in a text widget now selects all (as it should).

    more pm shortcut schemes recognized: wp, lj, dict.

    Channel::RSS now uses an internal display list.
    (Other channels will follow suit.)
    To support this, Channels now want to know which field
    in the incoming records to key by, and (optionally) which
    to group by. These are specified to the constructor.

    fixed display formatting issues in rss and rn.


    Changed UI to Viewer.
    Changed AppContext::Tk to AppContext::StandaloneTkNotebookApp.
    Moved a bunch of stuff from UI to AppContext (i.e. from
    Viewer::TkTabbedText to AppContext::StandaloneTkNotebookApp).
    Moved the Tk-specific stuff out of the main program into 

    Somewhere along the line we nixed the ability to specify your
    desired login level.

    Moved the "main program" into method main() of class Adso.

    Renamed the Channel implementation classes to reflect the fact
    that they're Viewer-neutral, to let the PM-specific ones
    reflect that fact in their names, and to not use acronyms.

    Moved the locus of knowledge of what class of DataSource each
    Channel class wants, into the Channel class itself.

    Moved the tab configure button(s) into the bottom of the tab page
    itself, rather than dinking with the mainwindow's menubar.

    Separated channel selection from talkbox management.

    <Return> in certain Entry widgets invokes 'OK'.

0.14    2005-08-19

    Changed alerts to be configured on a per-channel basis, rather
    on a per-tab basis. (Or in source-code speak: Changed watchers to
    be configured on a per-channel basis, rather on a per-viewer basis

    Every DataSource now has its own UA, cookie jar, etc.
    (Used to be global for all DataSources. Not good!)

    Changed TkGui to AppContext::Tk.

0.13    2005-08-17

    Bug fixes.

    Made Adso a (non-data) class.
    Also made a TkGui class to manage all the tk-app-specific context.

0.12    2005-08-15

    You can create more than one talk box (sender channel) under a
    chatterbox; each has its own creds set.  (There is now no benefit
    to setting creds on the chatterbox channel itself.)

    Each viewer (that is, tab) can be an output for EVERY channel inst
    (This allows each data source to render in multiple windows.)
    So now channels and viewers are many-to-many.

    Channel config/control is separate from any viewer concerns.
    Channels are now listed on the "main" tab, each with a button
    that pops up a config dialog.
    Channel config/control and viewer config/control have been split i
    separate dialogs.

0.11    2004-09-02

    Specified font size as 12, because on some systems, the default si
    for 'Times' is way too small.

    Changed text hiding to use the -elide property rather than the -st
    property.  -state appears to be fairly new in Tk, and is missing e
    on some fairly recent environments.

0.10    2004-09-01

    Added a status bar at the bottom of each ticker window.  Currently
+ its
    only use is to show the link target ("url") of any link when the p
    passes over it -- pretty much the way any web browser does it.  Th
+is is
    good feedback now that links are displayed as text only, no "url" 

0.9    2004-09-01

    Links, as displayed, consist only of the text; the "url" part is h
    That is, "[foo|bar]" shows only as "bar" (blue, underlined).  This
+ is
    designed to be easily togglable, but no Viewer control exists yet
    to do it.

    Text widgets now use 'Times' instead of the default
    (which is probably 'Courier', at least on Windows).

    In Chatterbox, we now take advantage of the id= tag which was rece
    added (by [pfaut], at my request) to the information in the [cbhis
    stream.  This means we now do reliable dupe filtering when merging
+ the
    [cbhistory] stream with the first fetch from the cb.

    Radio and check buttons now use standard background even when sele

0.8    2004-08-25

    Replaced the query URL for kobesearch.
    (Thanks to Randy Kobes for alerting me of the improvement.)


use strict;
use warnings;

###################################### START of Adso class ###########
package Adso;

# All functions in package Adso are CLASS METHODS!

# there is no such thing as an Adso object (yet, anyway.)

sub launch_url
    my $pkg = shift;
    my $url = shift;
    if ( $^O =~ /Win32/ )
        require Win32; # for spawn
        my $pid;

#### XXX configurable code:
        Win32::Spawn( 'C:\PROGRA~1\MOZILL~1\FIREFOX.EXE', qq(-url "$ur
+l"), $pid );
#        Win32::Spawn( 'E:\PROGRA~1\MOZILL~1\FIREFOX.EXE', qq(-url "$u
+rl"), $pid );
        my $pid = fork;
        if ( ! defined $pid )
            warn "Fork failed - $!\n";
        elsif ( $pid )
            warn "Spawned $pid\n";
            exec qq( mozilla -remote "openurl($url,new-tab)" );

sub appcontext_class { 'AppContext::StandaloneTkNotebookApp' }
sub event_scheduler_class { 'EventScheduler::Tk' }
sub watcher_class { 'Watcher::WatchCB_PopupTk' }

    my %all_viewers;
    my %all_channels;

sub viewers # setter/getter
    my( $self, $name, $obj ) = @_;
    defined $name or die;
    defined $obj and $all_viewers{$name} = $obj;
sub forget_viewer
    my( $self, $dd ) = @_;
    delete $all_viewers{ ref $dd ? $dd->name : $dd };

sub channels # setter/getter
    my( $self, $s ) = @_;
    defined $s or return values %all_channels;
    ref $s 
        ? ( $all_channels{$s->name} = $s ) # it's a channel; set it in
+to the list
        : $all_channels{$s} # it's a name; retrieve that one from the 

sub channel_names { keys %all_channels }

    my $event_scheduler;

sub event_scheduler # setter/getter
    my $self = shift;
    @_ and $event_scheduler = shift;

    my $app_context; # SINGLETON!

sub app_context # setter/getter
    my $self = shift;
    @_ and $app_context = shift;

    my %monk2id;
    my %id2monk;

sub remember_perlmonk_id
    my( $self, $monk, $id ) = @_;
    if ( defined $monk && defined $id )
        $monk2id{$monk} = $id;
        $id2monk{$id} = $monk;

sub id_of_perlmonk
    my( $self, $monk ) = @_;
sub perlmonk_of_id
    my( $self, $id ) = @_;

sub _rss
    my %args;
    $args{'name'} = shift;
    $args{'url'} = shift;
    $args{'group_by'} = shift if @_;
    new Channel::RSS %args
sub _rss_set
    map { /^[^#]/ ? _rss( split ) : () } split /\n/, $_[0]

sub main
    my $adso = shift; # probably just the pkg name.

    $adso->app_context( $adso->appcontext_class->new );

    $adso->channels($_) for 
        #Channel::POP->new( host => 'pop.your.isp', username => 'you',
+ password => 'foo', ),
_rss_set( <<EOF );
# Name:            URL:                                               
+                               GroupBy (optional):
# ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------
+------------------------------ -------------------
+                               slash:section
+e=rss&nn_hide_types=note       category

            name => $_->name." watcher",
            fields => $_->watchable_fields,
        for $adso->channels;

    $adso->app_context->add_channel_configure_command($_) for
        sort { $a-> name cmp $b->name }

    $adso->event_scheduler( $adso->event_scheduler_class->new );


###################################### END of Adso class #############

###################################### START EventScheduler classes ##
    package EventScheduler;
    package EventScheduler::Tk;
    use base 'EventScheduler';
    use Tk;

    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $mw = Adso->app_context->mw; # presumes it's some kind of T
+k AppContext...
        bless { mw => $mw }, $pkg

    sub after # returns timer ID, which can be passed to afterCancel.
        my( $self, $wait_secs, $handler ) = @_;
        $self->{'mw'}->after( $wait_secs * 1000, $handler )

    sub afterCancel
        my( $self, $id ) = @_;
        $self->{'mw'}->afterCancel( $id );
###################################### END EventScheduler classes ####

###################################### START of DataSource classes ###
    package DataSource; # base class.  In fact, it's HTTP specific. Wh
+ich is why POP3 doesn't use one.
    use LWP::UserAgent;
    use HTTP::Cookies;
    use XML::Simple;
    use Data::Dumper;
    use Carp;

        # utility method, used in some/all DataSource subclasses:
        sub force_arrayref
            my( $self, $ar ) = @_;
            defined $ar or return [];
            ref($ar) && $ar =~ /ARRAY/ ? $ar : [ $ar ]

    sub ua
        my $self = shift;
        unless ( $self->{'ds.user_agent'} ) # initialize
            $self->{'ds.user_agent'} = LWP::UserAgent->new( agent => '
+Adso/1.0', );

    sub cookie_jar
        my $self = shift;
        unless ( $self->{'ds.cookie_jar'} ) # initialize
            $self->{'ds.cookie_jar'} = HTTP::Cookies->new();

    sub channel
        my $this_ds = shift;
        @_ and $this_ds->{'channel'} = shift;

    sub get_datastructure
        my $this_ds = shift; # must have a 'url' data member
        my $url = $this_ds->url;
        $this_ds->{'debug_url'} and print "$url\n";
        $this_ds->{'response'} = $this_ds->ua->get( $url );
        unless ( $this_ds->{'response'}->is_success )
            warn "Error fetching XML from web site '$url'\n" . $this_d
        my $xml = $this_ds->{'response'}->content;
        unless ( $xml =~ /\S/ )
            warn "HTTP success, but returned no content!";
        $this_ds->{'debug_xml'} and print "\n################ XML (ini
+tial chunk): ######################\n",
            substr($xml,0,200), "\n\n################# (final chunk): 
            substr($xml,-200), "\n\n########################### END ##
        my $struct = XMLin( $xml );
        unless ( $struct )
            warn "Failed to convert XML stream to data structure!";
        $this_ds->{'debug_ds'} and print Dumper $struct;

    sub url # overridable
        my $this_ds = shift; # must have a 'url' data member
        $this_ds->{'url'} or croak "Missing required data member 'url'

    sub get_login_cookie
        my $self = shift;
        $self->username && $self->password or
            croak "Error - can't log in without login info!";
        my %args =
            op => 'login',
            node_id => 227820,
            displaytype => 'xml',
            user => $self->username,
            passwd => $self->password,
        $self->{'request'} = HTTP::Request->new( GET => "http://perlmo"
            . join '&', map { "$_=$args{$_}" } keys %args );
        #warn "About to send request:\n", $self->{'request'}->as_strin
+g, "\n";
        $self->{'response'} = $self->ua->request( $self->{'request'} )
        #warn "Received response:\n", $self->{'response'}->as_string, 
        my $before = $self->cookie_jar->as_string;
        $self->cookie_jar->extract_cookies( $self->{'response'} );
        my $after = $self->cookie_jar->as_string;
        if ( $before eq $after )
            delete $self->{'ds.cookie_jar'};
            die "Error logging in!";
        #warn "Extracted cookies:\n", $self->cookie_jar->as_string, "\
        $self->{'logged_in'} = 1;

    sub send_perlmonks_message # NOT meant to be overridden!
        my $self = shift;
        $self->username && $self->password or
            croak "Error - can't send message without login info!";
        my %args =
            op => 'message',
            node_id => 227820,
            displaytype => 'raw',
        $args{'message'} = shift;
        $args{'message'} =~ s/(.)/ sprintf "%%%02X", ord($1) /ge; # es
        $args{'message'} gt '' or return();

        $self->{'logged_in'} or $self->get_login_cookie;

        $self->{'request'} = HTTP::Request->new( POST => "http://perlm" );
        $self->{'request'}->content_type( 'application/x-www-form-urle
+ncoded' );
        $self->{'request'}->content( join '&', map { "$_=$args{$_}" } 
+keys %args );
        $self->cookie_jar->add_cookie_header( $self->{'request'} );

        warn "\nSending PerlMonks Message:\n", $self->{'request'}->as_
+string, "\n";
        $self->{'response'} = $self->ua->request( $self->{'request'} )
        my $content = $self->{'response'}->as_string;
        $content =~ /Chatter accepted/ or
            warn("Error:\n$content\n"), return;
        #warn "Received response:\n$content\n";
###################################### END of DataSource classes #####

###################################### START of Viewer classes #######
    # Conceptually, a "Viewer" encapsulates an input/output mechanism 
+for channel content/interaction.
    # In a windowing/gui application, a Viewer could be a scrolling Te
+xt widget.
    # In a textmode/console application, a Viewer could be a wrapper f
+or the console itself.
    # In a web server application, a Viewer could be a web page/form.

    package Viewer;

    use URI::Escape;

    my %pm_shortcuts =
        http    => sub { my $x = shift;
            "http://$x" },
        id      => sub { my $x = shift;
            "$x" },
        pad     => sub { my $x = shift;
            ";user=$x" },
        lucky   => sub { my $x = shift; $x = uri_escape(qq("$x"));
            "$x" },
        google  => sub { my $x = shift; $x = uri_escape(qq("$x"));
            "$x" },
        cpan    => sub { my $x = shift; $x = uri_escape(qq("$x"));
            "$x" },
        doc     => sub { my $x = shift; $x = uri_escape($x);
            $x =~ /^perl/
            ? "$x.html"
            : "$x.html" },
        perldoc => sub { my $x = shift; $x = uri_escape($x);
            "$x" },
        kobes   => sub { my $x = shift; $x = uri_escape(qq("$x"));
            "$x" },
        kobe    => sub { my $x = shift; $x = uri_escape(qq("$x"));
            "$x" },
        isbn    => sub { my $x = shift; $x = uri_escape(qq("$x"));
            "$x" },
        jargon  => sub { my $x = shift; $x = uri_escape(qq("$x"));
            "$x+site%3Ac" },
        dict    => sub { my $x = shift; # should escape?
+$x" },
        lj    => sub { my $x = shift;
            "$x" },
        wp    => sub { my $x = shift;
            "$x" },

    sub substitute_shortcuts
        my( $self, $link_target ) = @_;
        my( $scheme, $addr ) = split m#://#, $link_target;
            ? $pm_shortcuts{$scheme}->( $addr )
            : "$link_target"

    sub name { $_[0]{'name'} }

    sub add_channel
        my( $this_viewer, @chan ) = @_;
        for my $chan ( @chan )
            # skip it if it's already been added.
            unless ( $this_viewer->{'channels'}{$chan} )
                $this_viewer->{'channels'}{$chan} = $chan;
                $chan->add_viewer( $this_viewer );
    sub remove_channel
        my( $this_viewer, @chan ) = @_;
        for my $chan ( @chan )
            if ( $this_viewer->{'channels'}{$chan} )
                delete $this_viewer->{'channels'}{$chan};
    sub channels
        my $this_viewer = shift;
        values %{ $this_viewer->{'channels'} || {} }

    sub get_config
        my $this_viewer = shift;
        my %chan = map { ( $_->name => 1 ) } $this_viewer->channels;
            name => $this_viewer->name,
            links_visible => $this_viewer->link_target_visibility,
            channels => \%chan,

    sub edit_channel_set
        my $self = shift;
        Adso->app_context->edit_viewer_channels( $self->get_config, $s
+elf );

    # ostensibly realizes a theoretical parent class Viewer::Submissio
    package Viewer::TkSubmissionEntry;
    use base 'Viewer';
    use Tk;

    sub new
        my $pkg = shift; # required args: channel (Channel obj), entry
+ (Entry widget)
        my %args = @_;
        $args{'entry'} or die "Error - missing required 'entry' - an E
+ntry widget";
        $args{'channel'} or die "Error - missing required 'channel' - 
+a Channel object";
        my $self = bless { %args }, $pkg;
        $self->{'entry'}->bind( '<Return>' => sub { $self->{'channel'}
+->schlep; } );

    sub get
        my $self = shift;

    sub set
        my $self = shift;
        my $text = shift;
        $self->{'entry'}->delete( '0', 'end' );
        $self->{'entry'}->insert( '0', $text );

    sub clear
        my $self = shift;
        $self->{'entry'}->delete( '0', 'end' );
    package Viewer::TkTabbedText;
    use base 'Viewer';
    use Tk::ROText;
    use Tk::Font;

    # note that in the case of this Viewer class, the instance's name 
+is identical to the name of its tab.

    # required args: name (str); gui (so far, only a AppContext::Tk ob
    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $name = shift;
        my %args = @_;
        defined $name or die "Error - Missing required parameter (name
+) in $pkg new()";

        my $self = bless { link_targets_hidden => 1, %args, name => $n
+ame, }, $pkg;
        $self->{'tab_frame'} = Adso->app_context->realize_viewer( $sel
+f->name );
        $self->{'tab_button_frame'} = $self->{'tab_frame'}->Frame->pac
+k( -side => 'bottom' );
        $self->{'tab_main_frame'} = $self->{'tab_frame'}->Frame( -bord
+erwidth => 2, -relief => 'sunken' )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'bo
+th' );

        $self->{'bottom_widget'} = 
        $self->{'text'} =
            $self->{'tab_main_frame'}->Scrolled( 'ROText', -scrollbars
+ => 'osoe',
                -wrap => 'word', -font => $self->{'tab_main_frame'}->F
+ont( -family => 'Times', -size => 12, )
            )->pack( -side => 'bottom', -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' 
        $self->{'text'}->bind( '<Control-A>' => sub { $self->select_al
+l_text } );
        $self->{'text'}->bind( '<Control-a>' => sub { $self->select_al
+l_text } );

        $self->{'tab_button_frame'}->Button( -text => "Channels",
            -command => sub { $self->edit_channel_set; }
            )->grid( -row => 0, -column => 0, -padx => 20, -pady => 2 

        $self->{'tab_button_frame'}->Button( -text => "Add Talkbox",
            -command => sub { $self->add_talkbox }
            )->grid( -row => 0, -column => 1, -padx => 20, -pady => 2 

        $self->{'tab_button_frame'}->Button( -text => "Close Tab",
            -command => sub { Adso->app_context->destroy_viewer($self)
+; }
            )->grid( -row => 0, -column => 2, -padx => 20, -pady => 2 

        $self->{'statusbar'} =
        $self->add_widget( sub {
            $_[0]->Label( -anchor => 'nw', -justify => 'left', )
        } );

        # raise the newly created tab!
        Adso->app_context->activate_viewer( $self->name );


    sub select_all_text

    sub kill
        my $self = shift;
        $self->remove_channel($_) for $self->channels;
        Adso->app_context->delete_notebook_tab( $self->name );

    # add_widget stacks new widgets up from the bottom in the tab wind
    sub add_widget
        my( $self, $creator_cb ) = @_;
        my $w = $creator_cb->( $self->{'tab_main_frame'} ); # pass the
+ parent, get the child.
        $w->pack( -side => 'bottom', -before => $self->{'bottom_widget
+'}, -expand => 0, -fill => 'x', );
        $self->{'bottom_widget'} = $w;

    sub set_status
        my( $self, $status_msg ) = @_;
        $self->{'statusbar'}->configure( -text => $status_msg );

    sub set_changes_flag
        my( $self, $state ) = @_;
        my $ch = $state ? '*' : ' ';
        Adso->app_context->change_notebook_tab_label( $self->name, sub
+ { s/.$/$ch/ } );

    sub clear
        my $self = shift;
        $self->{'text'}->delete( '1.0', 'end' );

    my $shortcut_tag_name = 't000000';
    sub writeln
        my( $self, $string ) = @_;
        my $Text = $self->{'text'};

        $Text->markSet( insert => 'end' );

        my @p = split /\[(.*?)\]/, $string;

        for my $pi ( 0 .. $#p )
            if ( $pi & 1 ) # odd = shortcut
                my $shortcut_rawtext = $p[$pi];

                my $start_index = $Text->index( 'insert' );
                $Text->insert( insert => $p[$pi] );
                my   $end_index = $Text->index( 'insert' );

                my $link_tag_name = ++$shortcut_tag_name;
                $Text->tagAdd( $link_tag_name, $start_index, $end_inde
+x );
                $Text->tagConfigure( $link_tag_name, -foreground => 'b
+lue', -underline => 1 );

                my( $link_target, $link_text );
                if ( $shortcut_rawtext =~ /\|/ )
                    ( $link_target, $link_text ) = ( $`, $' );

                    # create a tag that covers just the target (and th
+e bar)
                    ( my $subtag_end = $start_index ) =~ s/(\d+)$/ $1 
++ length($link_target) + 1 /e;

                    my $target_tag_name = ++$shortcut_tag_name;
                    $Text->tagAdd( $target_tag_name, $start_index, $su
+btag_end );
                    my $elide = ! $self->link_target_visibility;
                    warn "printing a link with elide => $elide\n";
                    $Text->tagConfigure( $target_tag_name, -elide => $
+elide );
                    $self->add_link_target_tag( $target_tag_name );
                    $link_target = $link_text = $shortcut_rawtext;

                Adso->id_of_perlmonk($link_target) and
                    $link_target = "id://" . Adso->id_of_perlmonk($lin

                my $url = $self->substitute_shortcuts( $link_target );

                $Text->tagBind( $link_tag_name, '<ButtonPress>' =>
                    sub { Adso->launch_url( $url ); } );
                $Text->tagBind( $link_tag_name, '<Enter>' =>
                    sub { $self->set_status($link_target); } );
                $Text->tagBind( $link_tag_name, '<Leave>' =>
                    sub { $self->set_status(''); } );
            else # even = plain text
                $Text->insert( insert => $p[$pi] );
            $Text->see( 'end' );

    sub add_link_target_tag
        my( $self, $tagname ) = @_;

    sub link_target_visibility
        my( $self, $visible ) = @_;
        if ( defined $visible )
            my $Text = $self->{'text'};
            $self->{'link_targets_hidden'} = $visible ? 0 : 1;
            while ( my( $tagname, $v ) = each %{ $self->{'link_target_
+tags'} } )
                $Text->tagConfigure( $tagname, -elide => $self->{'link
+_targets_hidden'} );
        ! $self->{'link_targets_hidden'}

    sub set_config
        my( $this_viewer, $config ) = @_;
        my $old_config = $this_viewer->get_config;

        for my $chan_name ( keys %{ $config->{'channels'} } )
            if ( $config->{'channels'}{$chan_name} ) # to be active
                unless ( $old_config->{'channels'}{$chan_name} )
                    $this_viewer->add_channel( Adso->channels($chan_na
+me) );
            else # to be inactive
                if ( $old_config->{'channels'}{$chan_name} )
                    $this_viewer->remove_channel( Adso->channels($chan
+_name) );

        $this_viewer->link_target_visibility( $config->{'links_visible
+'} );

        for my $talkbox_username ( keys %{ $config->{'talkboxes'} } )
            unless ( $old_config->{'talkboxes'}{$talkbox_username} )

    sub show_chat_creds_editor
        my $self = shift;
        my $channel = shift; # since there could be more than one in t
+he caller
        my $callback = shift;
        ref($callback) eq 'CODE' or $callback = sub { $channel->creds(
+@_); };

        my $dlg = Adso->app_context->create_dialog;
        $dlg->title("Message Sender Credentials");
        my $button_fr = $dlg->Frame->pack( -side => 'bottom' );
        my $OK_button =
        $button_fr->Button( -text => "OK", -command => sub {
            $callback->( @{ $self->{'tmp.creds'} } );
            @{ $self->{'tmp.creds'} } = ();
        } )->grid( -row => 0, -column => 0 );
        $button_fr->Button( -text => "Cancel", -command => sub { $dlg-
+>destroy; } )->grid( -row => 0, -column => 1 );
        my $login_fr = $dlg->Frame()->pack( -side => 'bottom' );
        my $login_fr2 = $login_fr->LabFrame( -label => 'Login Creds', 
+-labelside => 'acrosstop' )->pack( -side => 'left' );

        $self->{'tmp.creds'} = ['',''];
        my $fr2a = $login_fr2->Frame->pack;
        $fr2a->Label( -text => 'username:' )->pack( -side => 'left' );
        my $username_entry =
        $fr2a->Entry( -textvariable => \( $self->{'tmp.creds'}[0] ) )-
+>pack( -side => 'left' );

        my $fr2b = $login_fr2->Frame->pack;
        $fr2b->Label( -text => 'password:' )->pack( -side => 'left' );
        my $password_entry =
        $fr2b->Entry( -textvariable => \( $self->{'tmp.creds'}[1] ), -
+show => '*' )->pack( -side => 'left' );

        $username_entry->bind( '<Return>' => sub { $OK_button->invoke 
+} );
        $password_entry->bind( '<Return>' => sub { $OK_button->invoke 
+} );


# add a talk box below the main display.
# note that this creates its own private channel!

    sub add_talkbox
        my $this_viewer = shift;

        my $msgsend_channel = Channel::PerlMonks::MessageSender->new;

        $this_viewer->show_chat_creds_editor( $msgsend_channel, sub {
            $msgsend_channel->creds( @_ );

            $this_viewer->add_widget( sub {
                my $parent = shift;
                my $fr = $parent->Frame;

                $fr->Label( -text => 'Send message as '.$msgsend_chann
                    )->pack( -side => 'left' );

                        channel => $msgsend_channel,
                        entry => $fr->Entry->pack( -fill => 'x', -side
+ => 'left', -expand => 1 ),

            } );
        } );

    # update this one viewer from all its channels
    sub refresh
        my $self = shift;
        # punt:
        $self->channel_updated($_) for $self->channels;

    # refresh myself for one changed channel
    sub channel_updated
        my( $this_viewer, $channel ) = @_;
        warn "viewer ".$this_viewer->name." updating from channel ".$c

        if ( $channel->updating_style eq 'add_only' )
            # simply append the new items on the display, sorted by ke
+y (string-wise).
            # go get the 'new_items'
            for my $id ( sort keys %{ $channel->{'new_items'} } ) # ha
+shref. key=id, val=msg_struct(hashref)
                $this_viewer->writeln( $channel->{'new_items'}{$id}{'r
+endered'} . "\n" );
        elsif ( $channel->updating_style eq 'add_and_remove' )
            if ( keys %{ $channel->{'items'} } )
                $this_viewer->writeln( "Previously in ".$channel->name
+.":\n" );
                for my $id ( sort keys %{ $channel->{'items'} } )
                    $this_viewer->writeln( $channel->{'items'}{$id}{'r
+endered'} . " " );

                if ( %{ $channel->{'new_items'} } )
                    $this_viewer->writeln( "\n\n" );
            if ( %{ $channel->{'new_items'} } )
                $this_viewer->writeln( "New in ".$channel->name.":\n" 
                for my $id ( sort keys %{ $channel->{'new_items'} } )
                    $this_viewer->writeln( $channel->{'new_items'}{$id
+}{'rendered'} . " " );
} # end Viewer::TkTabbedText;
###################################### END of Viewer classes #########

###################################### START of Watcher classes ######
    package Watcher;

    # caller should give at least these named fields on construct:
    # name = string
    # fields = array(ref) of strings
    sub new
        my( $pkg, %args ) = @_;
        $args{'name'} or die "$pkg->new : missing required arg 'name' 
+- string";
        $args{'fields'} or die "$pkg->new : missing required arg 'fiel
+ds' - array(ref) of strings";
        bless {
            hits => [],
        }, $pkg

    sub regex
        my $self = shift;
        @_ and warn "Setting watch on $_[0]\n";
        @_ and $self->{'regex'} = shift;

    # pass a list of items to scan. each is hashref - flat data struct
    sub watch
        my $self = shift;
        #warn "Watching /$self->{'regex'}/, ".scalar(@_)." lines.\n";
        my $re = $self->{'regex'} or return();
        @{$self->{'hits'}} =
            map /($re)/,
                join( "\0", @{$_}{ @{ $self->{'fields'} } } ),
        @{$self->{'hits'}} and $self->notify_watch_hit;

    sub notify_watch_hit
        # no-op? or exception?
    package Watcher::WatchCB_PopupTk;
    use base 'Watcher';

    sub notify_watch_hit
        my $self = shift;
        my $msg = join "\n\t", $self->{'name'}." hit the following str
+ings:", @{ $self->{'hits'} };
        unless ( $self->{'alert_tl'} )
            my $dlg = Adso->app_context->create_dialog;
            $dlg->title( $self->{'name'} . " Alert!");
            $dlg->protocol( WM_DELETE_WINDOW => sub { $dlg->withdraw }
+ );
            $dlg->OnDestroy( sub { warn "\ndestroying toplevel!\n\n" }
+ );
            my $fr = $dlg->Frame
                ->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' );
            $fr->Label( -bitmap => 'warning', )
                ->pack( -side => 'left', -padx => 20, -pady => 20, );
            $self->{'alert_lbl'} =
            $fr->Label( -anchor => 'nw', -justify => 'left' )
                ->pack( -side => 'left', -expand => 1, -fill => 'both'
+, -padx => 20, -pady => 20 );
            $self->{'alert_tl'} = $dlg;
        $self->{'alert_lbl'}->configure( -text => $msg );
        Adso->event_scheduler->after( 10, sub { $self->{'alert_tl'}->w
+ithdraw } );
###################################### END of Watcher classes ########

###################################### START of Channel classes ######
# an unused channel has an undef (or non-existent) 'viewer' member.

    package Channel;
    use Carp;

    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        bless { items => {}, @_ }, $pkg

    # use the object's key_by field.
    # returns the number of items finally in 'new_items'
    sub collect_newA
        my( $self, $source_ar ) = @_;
        defined $source_ar or croak "missing arg";
        # but if it's not an array, wrap it in one. NOT FATAL!
        ref($source_ar) && $source_ar =~ /ARRAY/ or $source_ar = [ $so
+urce_ar ];
        my $old_hr = $self->{'items'} or die;
        my $new_hr = $self->{'new_items'} or die;
        my $key_field = $self->{'key_by'} or die;
        for my $it ( @$source_ar )
            my $k = $it->{$key_field};
            exists $new_hr->{$k} || exists $old_hr->{$k} and next;
            # add new item:
            $new_hr->{$k} = $it;
            if ( $self->{'normalizable_time_fields'} )
                for my $ntf ( @{ $self->{'normalizable_time_fields'} }
+ )
                    $it->{$ntf} =~ s/(....)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)/$1-$2-
+$3 $4:$5:$6/;
            if ( $self->{'monkid_vector'} )
                my( $f1, $f2 ) = @{ $self->{'monkid_vector'} };
                Adso->remember_perlmonk_id( $it->{$f1}, $it->{$f2} );
            $it->{'title'} && $it->{'link'} and 
        scalar( keys %{ $self->{'new_items'} } )

    # use the hash's keys.
    # returns the number of items finally in 'new_items'
    sub collect_newH
        my( $self, $source_hr ) = @_;
        my $n = keys %$source_hr; # to reset the iterator, and force a
+n exception on wrong arg type.
        my $old_hr = $self->{'items'} or die;
        my $new_hr = $self->{'new_items'} or die;
        my $key_field = $self->{'key_by'} or die;
        while ( my($k,$v) = each %$source_hr )
            exists $new_hr->{$k} ||
            exists $old_hr->{$k} or
                $new_hr->{$k} = $v;
        # ensure the `key_by` field exists within each record, not jus
        # as the key above the record:
        for ( keys %$new_hr )
            exists  $new_hr->{$_}{$key_field} or
                $new_hr->{$_}{$key_field} = $_;
        scalar( keys %{ $self->{'new_items'} } )

    sub name { $_[0]{'name'} }

    sub watchable_fields { die "@_ - watchable_fields not overridden!"
+ }

    sub updating_style { 'add_only' } # the default

    sub on_connect_viewer
        # in the base class, a no-op.

    sub add_viewer
        my( $this_chan, @viewers ) = @_;

        # skip it if it's already been added here.
        for my $viewer ( grep { ! $this_chan->{'viewer'}{$_} } @viewer
+s )
            $this_chan->{'viewer'}{$viewer} = $viewer;
    sub remove_viewer
        my( $this_chan, @viewers ) = @_;
        delete $this_chan->{'viewer'}{$_} for @viewers;
    sub viewers # returns a list of object references (Viewer objects)
        my $this_chan = shift;
        my @dd = values %{ $this_chan->{'viewer'} || {} };
        wantarray ? @dd : $dd[0]

    sub username
        my $self = shift;
        #warn "$self.username <= (@_)\n";
        @_ and $self->{'username'} = shift;

    sub password
        my $self = shift;
        #warn "$self.password <= (@_)\n";
        @_ and $self->{'password'} = shift;

    sub creds
        my $self = shift;
        if ( @_ == 2 )
            ( $self->{'username'}, $self->{'password'} ) = @_;
        elsif ( @_ == 4 )
            my %h = @_;
            ( $self->{'username'}, $self->{'password'} ) = ( $h{'usern
+ame'}, $h{'password'} );
        elsif ( @_ == 1 and ref($_[0]) )
            my($hr) = @_;
            ( $self->{'username'}, $self->{'password'} ) = ( $hr->{'us
+ername'}, $hr->{'password'} );
        elsif ( @_ )
            local $" = ', ';
            carp "ERROR: channel.creds( @_ ) invalid call!";
        ( $self->{'username'}, $self->{'password'} )

    sub watcher
        my $self = shift;
        @_ and $self->{'watcher'} = shift;

    sub interval
        my $self = shift;
        @_ and $self->{'interval'} = shift;

    sub schlep # special: base class.
        my $self = shift;
        die "Error! $self does not define the 'schlep' method!";

    sub recurrent_schlep
        my $self = shift;
        my $int = $self->interval + int(rand 2); # occasionally add 1
        warn $self->name,": rescheduled for t+$int sec.\n";
        $self->{'schedule_id'} =
        Adso->event_scheduler->after( $int, sub { $self->recurrent_sch
+lep } );

    sub pre_schlep # this could be moved down, if an intermediate clas
+s is introduced.
        my $self = shift;

        # copy previous new into old:
        $self->{'items'}{$_} = $self->{'new_items'}{$_} for keys %{ $s
+elf->{'new_items'} };

        # clear new:
        $self->{'new_items'} = {};

        $self->{'ds'} = $self->get_datastructure;

        $self->{'info'} =  $self->{'ds'}{'INFO'}
                if $self->{'ds'}{'INFO'};

        $self->{'info'} =  $self->{'ds'}{'info'}
                if $self->{'ds'}{'info'};

        # update our polling interval
                       defined $self->{'info'}{'min_poll_seconds'} &&
        $self->{'interval'} != $self->{'info'}{'min_poll_seconds'} and
        $self->{'interval'}  = $self->{'info'}{'min_poll_seconds'};


    sub post_schlep
        my $self = shift;

        $_->{'rendered'} = $self->render_item($_)
            for values %{ $self->{'new_items'} };

        my $changes = keys %{ $self->{'new_items'} };

        $_->channel_updated($self) for $self->viewers;
        $_->set_changes_flag($changes) for $self->viewers;

        $self->watcher and
            $self->watcher->watch( values %{ $self->{'new_items'} } );

    sub running
        $_[0]{'schedule_id'} ? 1 : 0

    sub start
        my( $self, $wait ) = @_;
        $self->{'schedule_id'} and return $self;
        $self->can('on_start') and $self->on_start;
        if ( defined $wait and $wait > 0 )
            warn $self->name,": starting recurrent schlep after $wait 
            $self->{'schedule_id'} =
            Adso->event_scheduler->after( $wait, sub { $self->recurren
+t_schlep } );
            warn $self->name,": starting recurrent schlep immediately.

    sub stop
        my $self = shift;
        if ( $self->{'schedule_id'} )
            warn $self->name,": stopping.\n";
            Adso->event_scheduler->afterCancel( $self->{'schedule_id'}
+ );
            $self->{'schedule_id'} = undef;

    sub set_state
        my( $self, $act ) = @_;
            ? $self->start(1)
            : $self->stop

    sub get_config
        my $self = shift;
            name     => $self->name,
            username => $self->username,
            password => $self->password,
            interval => $self->interval,
            running  => $self->running,
            url      => $self->url,
            'watcher.regex' => $self->watcher ? $self->watcher->regex 
+: undef,

    # creates a data structure and passes it to edit_channel_config;
    # set_config receives this exact same data structure.
    sub edit_config
        my $self = shift;
        Adso->app_context->edit_channel_config( $self->get_config, $se
+lf );

    sub set_config
        my( $self, $config ) = @_;
            if defined $config->{'watcher.regex'};

    sub normalize_description
        my( $self, $item ) = @_;
        $item->{'description'} = '' unless defined $item->{'descriptio
        # should only happen when it's an empty hash, and that happens
+ when the description element is empty:
        $item->{'description'} = '' if ref $item->{'description'};
        $item->{'description'} =~ s/\s+/ /g;
        $item->{'description'} =~ s/^ //g;
        $item->{'description'} =~ s/ $//g;
    package Channel::PerlMonks::MessageSender; # CbMessageSender to Su
    use base 'Channel';
    use base 'DataSource';

    # when calling new(), 
    # 'viewer' should be a SubmissionEntry Viewer.

    sub watchable_fields { [] } # not used

    sub remove_viewer
        my $self = shift;
        die "ERROR! PerlMonks::MessageSender.remove_viewer not allowed

    sub schlep # special: MessageSender
        my $self = shift;
        eval {
            my $msg = $self->viewers->get;
            #warn "Sending msg '$msg' \n";
            my $response = $self->send_perlmonks_message( $msg );
            $response =~ s/\s+/ /g;
            $self->viewers->set( $response );
        if ( $@ )
            $self->viewers->set( $@ );
    package Channel::PerlMonks::ChatterBox;
    use base 'Channel';
    use base 'DataSource';

    sub on_start
        $_[0]{'do_hist'} = 1;

    sub read_cbhistory
        my $self = shift;
        my $response = $self->ua->get( '
+tory.cgi?site=PM&plain=1' );
        $response->is_success or warn("Error getting chhistory - ".$re
+sponse->status_line."\n"), return();
        my $html = $response->as_string;


<dt id="541323167" style="background-color:#ddd">
<a href="">perlfan</a>
<font size="-2">2004-08-30 15:58:41-04</font>

<dd>I am actually trying to highlight perl code in a php based blog</d


        my( $dl ) = $html =~ m#<dl>(.*?)</dl>#s;
        my @recs;
        while ( $dl =~ m#<dt (.*?)>(.*?)</dt>.*?<dd.*?>(.*?)</dd>#gs )
            my( $dt, $info, $msg ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
            my( $msg_id ) = $dt =~ /id="(\d+)"/;
            my( $perlmonk_id, $username, $date, $time ) =
                $info =~ m#node_id=(\d+)">(.*?)</a>\s*<font size=".*?"
+>(\S+) (\S+)</font>#;
            $msg =~ s/&#39;/'/g;
            $msg =~ s/&quot;/"/g;
            $time =~ s/-\d\d$//;
            push @recs,
                message_id => $msg_id,
                user_id => $perlmonk_id,
                author => $username,
                date => $date,
                time => $time,
                text => $msg

    sub watchable_fields { [qw( text )] }

    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $self = bless $pkg->SUPER::new( @_ ), $pkg;
        $self->{'name'} ||= 'Chatterbox';
        $self->{'interval'} ||= 9;
        $self->{'key_by'} = 'message_id';
        $self->{'monkid_vector'} = [qw( author user_id )];
        # for DataSource:
        $self->{'items'} ||= {};
        $self->{'url'} ||= '

    sub schlep
        my $self = shift;


        $self->collect_newA( $self->{'ds'}{'message'} );

        # this condition should be made smarter:
        if ( $self->{'do_hist'} )
            $self->collect_newA( $self->read_cbhistory );


    sub render_item
        my( $self, $item ) = @_;
        $item->{'text'} =~ s#^\s*/me## 
            ? "$item->{'time'} [$item->{'author'}]$item->{'text'}"
            : "$item->{'time'} [$item->{'author'}]: $item->{'text'}"
    package Channel::PerlMonks::InBox;
    use base 'Channel';
    use base 'DataSource';

    sub url
        my $self = shift; # must have a 'url' data member
        my( $username, $password ) = $self->creds;
        my $u = $self->{'url'};
        $self->{'max_id'} and $u .= ";since_id=$self->{'max_id'}";
        $username && $password and $u .= ";user=$username;passwd=$pass
        warn "Inbox url = \n\t$u\n";

    sub watchable_fields { [qw( content )] }

    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $self = bless $pkg->SUPER::new( @_ ), $pkg;
        $self->{'name'} ||= 'Inbox';
        $self->{'interval'} ||= 30;
        $self->{'key_by'} = 'message_id';
        $self->{'normalizable_time_fields'} = [qw( time )];
        $self->{'monkid_vector'} = [qw( author user_id )];
        # for DataSource:
        $self->{'url'} ||= "



    message_id => '541960964',
    status     => 'active',
    time       => '20050904153705',
    content    => '...concert and everyone had a good time.',
    author     => 'DigitalKitty',
    user_id    => '153214'


    sub schlep
        my $self = shift;
        $self->collect_newA( $self->{'ds'}{'message'} );
    sub render_item
        my( $self, $item ) = @_;
        "$item->{'time'} [$item->{'author'}] $item->{'content'}" 
    package Channel::PerlMonks::OtherUsers;
    use base 'Channel';
    use base 'DataSource';

    sub watchable_fields { [qw( username )] }

    sub updating_style { 'add_and_remove' }

    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $self = bless $pkg->SUPER::new( @_ ), $pkg;
        $self->{'name'} ||= 'OtherUsers';
        $self->{'interval'} ||= 30;
        $self->{'key_by'} = 'user_id';
        $self->{'monkid_vector'} = [qw( username user_id )];
        # for DataSource:
        $self->{'url'} ||= '

    sub schlep
        my $self = shift;
        $self->collect_newA( $self->{'ds'}{'user'} );
    sub render_item
        my( $self, $item ) = @_;
    package Channel::PerlMonks::UserNodes;
    use base 'Channel';
    use base 'DataSource';

    sub watchable_fields { [qw( content )] }

    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $self = bless $pkg->SUPER::new( @_ ), $pkg;
        $self->{'name'} ||= 'UserNodes';
        $self->{'interval'} ||= 30;
        $self->{'key_by'} = 'node_id';
        # for DataSource:
        $self->{'url'} ||= "

    sub url
        my $self = shift; # must have a 'url' data member
        my( $username, $password ) = $self->creds;
        $username ||= '$USERNAME';
        $password ||= '$PASSWORD';
        my $url = $self->{'url'} . ";user=$username;passwd=$password";


    '415722' => {
        'lastupdate' => '',
        'lastedit'   => '20041217130843', # seems to be the same date/
+time as createtime!
        'reputation' => '10',
        'content'    => 'Re^2: Don\'t Retitle This Node',
        'createtime' => '2004-12-17 13:08:43'


    sub schlep
        my $self = shift;
        $self->collect_newH( $self->{'ds'}{'NODE'} );
    sub render_item
        my( $self, $item ) = @_;
    package Channel::PerlMonks::RecentNodes;
    use base 'Channel';
    use base 'DataSource';

    sub watchable_fields { [qw( content )] }

    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $self = bless $pkg->SUPER::new( @_ ), $pkg;
        $self->{'name'} ||= 'RecentNodes';
        $self->{'interval'} ||= 60;
        $self->{'key_by'} = 'node_id';
        $self->{'normalizable_time_fields'} = [qw( createtime )];
        # for DataSource:
        $self->{'url'} ||= "
        $self->{'lastcheck'} ||= 0;

    sub url
        my $self = shift; # must have a 'url' data member
            ? "$self->{'url'};sinceunixtime=".($self->{'lastcheck'}-60
+) # a minute
            : $self->{'url'}


    node_id     => '380092',
    content     => 'Time Zones',
    nodetype    => 'monkdiscuss',
    author_user => '378444',
    createtime  => '20040804152300'


    sub schlep
        my $self = shift;
        $self->collect_newA( $self->{'ds'}{'NODE'} );
        Adso->remember_perlmonk_id( $_->{'content'}, $_->{'node_id'} )
            for @{( $self->force_arrayref( $self->{'ds'}{'AUTHOR'} ) )
        # supplement each record with this datum:
        $_->{'author'} = Adso->perlmonk_of_id( $_->{'author_user'} )
            for values %{ $self->{'new_items'} };
    sub render_item
        my( $self, $item ) = @_;
        join ' ',
    package Channel::RSS;
    use base 'Channel';
    use base 'DataSource';

    sub watchable_fields { [qw( title description )] }

    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $self = bless $pkg->SUPER::new( @_ ), $pkg;
        $self->{'name'} or die "name is not optional when creating an 
+RSS object!";
        $self->{'interval'} ||= 60*60; # 1 hour
        $self->{'key_by'} ||= 'link';

    sub schlep
        my $self = shift;
        my $is_rss2 = $self->{'ds'}{'version'} && $self->{'ds'}{'versi
+on'} =~ /^2/;
        $self->{'key_by'} ||= $is_rss2 ? 'guid' : 'link';
        $self->collect_newA( $is_rss2 ? $self->{'ds'}{'channel'}{'item
+'} : $self->{'ds'}{'item'} );
    sub render_item
        my( $self, $item ) = @_;
        my @s = ( "[$item->{'link'}|$item->{'title'}] $item->{'descrip
+tion'}" );
        # prepend the value of the group_by field, if possible:
        $self->{'group_by'} && $item->{$self->{'group_by'}} and unshif
+t @s, $item->{$self->{'group_by'}};
        join ': ', @s
    package Channel::POP;
    use base 'Channel';
    # this one's a little different, in that it's not pulling XML via 
    use Net::POP3;

    sub watchable_fields { [] } # TBD

    sub updating_style { 'add_and_remove' }

    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        my $self = bless $pkg->SUPER::new( @_ ), $pkg;
        $self->{'name'} ||= 'POP';
        $self->{'key_by'} = 'msgnum'; # arbitrary. For setting, not ge
    sub get_datastructure # we DON'T use the one in DataSource. It is 
+not our parent.
        my $self = shift;

        # OPEN:
        $self->{'pop3'} = Net::POP3->new( $self->{'host'} );
        $self->{'pop3'}->apop( $self->{'username'}, $self->{'password'
+} ) or
            warn("Failed to log into pop server $self->{'host'} as $se
+lf->{'username'}!"), return();

        # GET DATA:
        # note that "new" here is the POP server's notion of new, not 
        # the number will only increase until the user actually reads 
        # of the messages in her inbox!
        my %info;
        ( $info{'new'}, $info{'total'} ) = $self->{'pop3'}->ping( $sel
+f->{'username'} );
        $info{'last'} = $self->{'pop3'}->last;
        $info{'list'} = $self->{'pop3'}->list; # key=msgnum, val=size
        # ideally, we'd like to use the pop connection to get a little
+ more info about each new msg.
        # e.g. use top() to get the header lines.

        # CLOSE:
        undef $self->{'pop3'};

        # convert each value into a record (hash) with one field:
        $info{'list'}{$_} = { size => $info{'list'}{$_} }
            for keys %{$info{'list'}};

    sub schlep # special: POP
        my $self = shift;
        $self->collect_newH( $self->{'ds'}{'list'} );
    sub render_item
        my( $self, $item ) = @_;
        "$item->{'msgnum'} $item->{'size'}"

###################################### END of Channel classes ########

###################################### START of AppContext classes ###
    # The AppContext class (which is an interface) and its subclasses 
+(which implement the interface)
    # are intended to encapsulate the context of the windowing graphic
+al user interface in
    # which the program is running.
    # This is distinct from the concept of a "Viewer", which encapsula
+tes an input/output
    # mechanism for channel content/interaction.
    package AppContext;

    sub viewer_class { die } # must be overridden in child!
    sub update { $_[0] } # default: no-op
    package AppContext::StandaloneTkNotebookApp;  # singleton in the p
    use base 'AppContext';
    use Tk;
    use Tk::NoteBook;
    use Tk::LabFrame;

    # When you call AppContext::StandaloneTkNotebookApp->new, you can 
+pass a MainWindow object as the 'mw' named arg,
    # or you can have the AppContext::StandaloneTkNotebookApp object c
+reate one later with create_mainwindow.
    # similarly for a notebook ('nb') and menubar ('mb').

    my $singleton_app_context;

    sub viewer_class { 'Viewer::TkTabbedText' }

    sub new
        my $pkg = shift;
        @_ and die "Error!  $pkg is singleton in the program!";
        $singleton_app_context and return $singleton_app_context;
        my $self = bless { @_ }, $pkg;

        $self->{'mw'} ||= MainWindow->new;
        $self->{'nb'} ||= $self->{'mw'}->NoteBook( -dynamicgeometry =>
+ 1 )->pack( -expand => 1, -fill => 'both' );
        $self->{'mb'} ||= $self->{'mw'}->Menu( -type => 'menubar' );
        $self->{'mw'}->configure( -menu => $self->{'mb'} );

        # apparently, a notebook with no pages is a freakazoid ready t
+o splode.
        $self->{'about_page'} = $self->add_notebook_tab( 'Configure' =
+> sub {
            $self->set_viewer_menus_state(0); } );
        $self->{'chan_fr'} = $self->{'about_page'}->LabFrame(
            -labelside => 'acrosstop', -label => 'Configure Channels:'
+ )->pack( -anchor => 'nw' );

        $self->mb->add( 'command', -label => 'New Tab', -command => su
+b {
        } );

        $singleton_app_context = $self

    sub add_channel_configure_command
        my( $self, $channel ) = @_;
        $self->{'chan_fr'}->Button( -text => $channel->name, -anchor =
+> 'w',
            -command => sub { $channel->edit_config } )->pack( -fill =
+> 'x' );

    sub run

    sub mw { $_[0]{'mw'} }

    sub nb { $_[0]{'nb'} }

    sub mb { $_[0]{'mb'} }

    sub active_viewer_name { $_[0]{'nb'}->raised }

    sub activate_viewer
        my( $self, $name ) = @_;
        $self->{'nb'}->raise( $name );

    sub add_notebook_tab
        my( $self, $name, $on_raise_cb, @args ) = @_;
        $self->nb->add( $name,
            -label => $name,
            -underline => 0,
            -raisecmd => $on_raise_cb,
    sub delete_notebook_tab
        my( $self, $name ) = @_;
        $self->nb->delete( $name );
    sub change_notebook_tab_label
        my( $self, $name, $code ) = @_;
        local $_ = $self->nb->pagecget( $name, '-label' );
        $self->nb->pageconfigure( $name, -label => $_ );

    sub set_viewer_menus_state
        my( $self, $state ) = @_; # boolean. true = enabled.
        $state = $state ? 'normal' : 'disabled';
        $self->mb->entryconfigure( $_, -state => $state )
            for keys %{ $self->{'viewer_menus'} };

    sub create_viewer # called in edit_dd_config callback when it's fo
+r a new dd
        my( $this_appcontext, $config ) = @_;
        $config->{'name'} or warn("Tab name cannot be null!"), return;

        Adso->viewers( $config->{'name'} ) and
            warn("Error - tab name '$config->{'name'}' already in use!
+"), return;

        my $viewer = $this_appcontext->viewer_class->new( $config->{'n
+ame'} );

        Adso->viewers( $config->{'name'}, $viewer );


    sub destroy_viewer
        my( $this_appcontext, $dd ) = @_;

    sub realize_viewer # called in TkTabbedText->new
        my( $this_appcontext, $name, $on_raise_cb, @args ) = @_;
        $this_appcontext->add_notebook_tab( $name, sub {
            $on_raise_cb->() if $on_raise_cb;
        }, -label => "$name  ", @args );

    # this always sets the position of the new window at +200+50 relat
    # to the AppContext::StandaloneTkNotebookApp's MainWindow.
    sub create_dialog
        my $this_appcontext = shift;
        my $mw = $this_appcontext->{'mw'};
        my $tl = $mw->Toplevel;
        my $x  = $mw->x + 200;
        my $y  = $mw->y + 50;

    # this expects to be passed the current config as a data structure
    # it passes back (calling set_config) the same data structure.
    sub edit_channel_config
        my $this_appcontext = shift;
        my $config = shift; # hashref
        my $channel = shift; # undef if new?

        my $dlg = $this_appcontext->create_dialog;
        $dlg->title( "Edit $config->{'name'}" );

        my $button_fr = $dlg->Frame->pack( -side => 'bottom' );
        $button_fr->Button( -text => "OK", -command => sub { $dlg->des
+troy; $channel->set_config($config); } )->grid( -row => 0, -column =>
+ 0 );
        $button_fr->Button( -text => "Cancel", -command => sub { $dlg-
+>destroy; } )->grid( -row => 0, -column => 1 );

        my $fr = $dlg->Frame( -borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )
        $fr->Label( -text => "'$config->{'name'}' configuration" )->pa

        my $username_entry;
        for ( $fr->Frame->pack )
            $_->Label( -text => 'username:' )->pack( -side => 'left' )
            $username_entry =
            $_->Entry( -textvariable => \( $config->{'username'} ) )->
+pack( -side => 'left' );
        for ( $fr->Frame->pack )
            $_->Label( -text => 'password:' )->pack( -side => 'left' )
            $_->Entry( -textvariable => \( $config->{'password'} ), -s
+how => '*' )->pack( -side => 'left' );

        for ( $fr->Frame->pack )
            $_->Label( -text => 'Interval:' )->pack( -side => 'left' )
            $_->Entry( -textvariable => \( $config->{'interval'} ), -w
+idth => 4, )->pack( -side => 'left' );

        for ( $fr->Frame->pack )
            $_->Label( -text => 'Watcher.Regex:' )->pack( -side => 'le
+ft' );
            $_->Entry( -textvariable => \( $config->{'watcher.regex'} 
+), -width => 40, )->pack( -side => 'left' );


        for ( $fr->Frame->pack )
            $_->Label( -text => 'Datasource.Url:' )->pack( -side => 'l
+eft' );
            $_->Entry( -textvariable => \( $config->{'url'} ), )->pack
+( -side => 'left' );


        for ( $fr->Frame->pack )
            $_->Label( -text => 'Active:' )->pack( -side => 'left' );
            $_->Checkbutton( -variable => \( $config->{'running'} ) )-



    name => (string|unset),
    links_visible => (0|1),
    channels => {
      foo => 1,
      bar => 1,

Then we go over all the channels, adding in the un-set ones:

    name => (string|unset),
    links_visible => (0|1),
    channels => {
      foo => 1,
      bar => 1,
      quux => 0,

Final spec, as passed to set_config:

    name => (string|unset),
    links_visible => (0|1),
    channels => {
      foo => (0|1),


    # the 'name' element is editable only if it's null.
    # once it has a value, it can't be changed.
    sub edit_viewer_channels
        my( $this_appcontext, $config, $viewer ) = @_;
        # $config: hashref
        # $viewer: the one whose config we're editing
        $viewer or die;

        #defined $viewer and $config->{'name'} = $viewer->name;

        my $dlg = $this_appcontext->create_dialog;
        $dlg->title( $viewer ? $config->{'name'} : "new" );

        my $button_fr = $dlg->Frame->pack( -side => 'bottom' );

        my $fr = $dlg->Frame( -borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )

        # show current name, read only:
        $fr->Label( -text => "Select Channels:" )->pack;

        my $OK_button =
        $button_fr->Button( -text => "OK", -command => sub {
            $viewer->set_config($config); }
        )->grid( -row => 0, -column => 0 );

        $button_fr->Button( -text => "Cancel", -command => sub { $dlg-
+>destroy; }
            )->grid( -row => 0, -column => 1 );

        for ( Adso->channel_names )
            $config->{'channels'}{$_} ||= 0;

        for ( sort keys %{ $config->{'channels'} } )
            $fr->Frame->pack( -fill => 'x' )->Checkbutton( -text => $_
+, -variable => \( $config->{'channels'}{$_} ) )->pack( -side => 'left
+' );

    sub prompt_new_viewer
        my( $this_appcontext, ) = @_;
        my $config = {};
        my $dlg = $this_appcontext->create_dialog;
        $dlg->title( "new" );
        my $button_fr = $dlg->Frame->pack( -side => 'bottom' );
        my $fr = $dlg->Frame( -borderwidth => 2, -relief => 'groove' )
        # show edit field for entering new name:
        my $name_entry_fr = $fr->Frame->pack;
        $name_entry_fr->Label( -text => 'Tab name:' )->pack( -side => 
+'left' );
        my $name_entry =
        $name_entry_fr->Entry( -textvariable => \( $config->{'name'} )
+ )->pack( -side => 'left' );
        my $OK_button =
        $button_fr->Button( -text => "OK", -command => sub {
            $this_appcontext->create_viewer($config); }
        )->grid( -row => 0, -column => 0 );
        $button_fr->Button( -text => "Cancel", -command => sub { $dlg-
+>destroy; }
            )->grid( -row => 0, -column => 1 );
        $name_entry->bind( '<Return>' => sub { $OK_button->invoke } );

    sub update
        my $this_appcontext = shift;

    sub busy_up
        my( $this_appcontext ) = @_;
        if ( $this_appcontext->{'busy'} == 1 )
            $this_appcontext->{'mw'}->Busy( -recurse => 1 );

    sub busy_down
        my( $this_appcontext ) = @_;
        if ( $this_appcontext->{'busy'} > 0 )
            if ( $this_appcontext->{'busy'} == 0 )

###################################### END of AppContext classes #####

###################################### BEGIN main program ############



To Do:

. Not reset the schlep interval from the datastructure if it's been ex
+plicitly set by the user.

. Enhance channel_updated to handle a mixture of both styles. In fact,
+ if there's
  anything more than a single add_and_remove, things are bad.
  (Any number of just add_only is fine.)

. The Viewer should decide how to format ("render") each item, using m
+eta data
  supplied by the channel.  Currently it's the Channels that render ea
+ch item.
  IDEALLY, we'd simply use stylesheets to control all this.

. allow (at Viewer construction time) to specify a filter sub.
  For example, it should be possible to have two different windows ope
+n on the 
  OtherUsers channel, with one showing only newly joined users, the ot
+her showing
  only "still here" users.

. Every major class needs a method yeilding a config data structure.
  (The issue of accepting such a structure for the purpose of SETTING 
+a config
  will be taken up later...)

. make a class to store login creds ("IdentityCard").  have Adso maint
+ain a db of these.
  each card needs a "name". This is distinct from its username, which 
+is just a datum.
  These are created/configured independently.  Then, when a set of log
+in creds is needed,
  e.g. when configuring a channel, she simply selects a named Identity
. Similar for Watchers.

. on_connect_viewer needs to render the current contents of the channe
+l into the new Viewer.
  That way, she doesn't have to create/configure a window BEFORE turni
+ng on the channel.

. replace warn's with Viewer-specific alert messages.

. Load/save config, automatically on startup/shutdown.

. Re-schedule the cb fetch for "1 sec in the future" whenever a messag
+e gets sent.

. Allow refresh (instant schlep) on demand (e.g. by buttonpress)

. Re-schedule for an "immediate" reschlep if the channel is reconfigur
+ed for a new schlep interval.

. Let the user configure (via the gui) how URLs get launched!

. other "standard" text window features.

. handle other shortcut schemes, e.g. node, pmdev...

. Configuration properties per tab:

    - Font

. Configuration properties per channel:

    - Alert pattern

    - Alert actions:

        . Pop up a message

        . Show a message in the status bar

        . Play a sound

        . Run an arbitrary perl snippet, module, or script 

. Channel-specific configuration items, e.g.

    - POP host, user, pass

. A channel for monitoring specific nodes.
. A channel for monitoring specific threads, similar to RAT.
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
by SciDude (Friar) on Aug 18, 2004 at 07:53 UTC

    Rock solid code! I've run this client for several hours now without a single issue. The chat textbox has a huge scrollback buffer - which I was missing in Katterbox.

    Unless you are on a M$ platform you may need to locate the two Win32 ref's and comment them out (like I did.) This will break browser launching until platform independant patches become available.

    Excellent work jdporter! ++

    I suggest the following improvements:

    1. Provide an indicator for login status (perhaps in the title bar?)
    2. Do not use the color red for "active" status but green instead. I thought the login had failed when the status became red.
    3. Add a scroll bar to the text dialogue history.
    4. Add an option to remove the timestamp.
    5. Fontcontrol would be nice.
    6. Give yourself some credit! Add an About menu.

    The first dog barks... all other dogs bark at the first dog.
      1. Provide an indicator for login status (perhaps in the title bar?)
      Hmmm.... I'm disinclined to do this, at least in the foreseeable future. If you want your login status, you can always go to the config tab. What I do need to do, though, is disable the cb submit box if not logged in.
      2. Do not use the color red for "active" status but green instead. I thought the login had failed when the status became red.
      3. Add a scroll bar to the text dialogue history.
      Also not high on my list of priorities; you can effectively scroll by moving the cursor (via either keyboard or mouse) in the text box. But yes, it would be a nice "bell-and-whistle".
      4. Add an option to remove the timestamp.
      Worth considering...

      Of greater priority is getting the timezone stuff worked out. cbhistory stores the time in a different format than is dished up by the cb ticker.

      5. Fontcontrol would be nice.
      The UI aspects of the program need lots of improvements and enhancements. Not just font control; also management of tabs/tickers, queries, alerts, config save/load, etc. etc.
      6. Give yourself some credit! Add an About menu.
      Maybe an 'About' tab...

      Thank you for all your excellent feedback, and thanks for trying out my software!

by mojotoad (Monsignor) on Aug 18, 2004 at 08:21 UTC
    Most excellent, revered Brother.

    Yet, I see no mention of the Rose?



Make launch Mozilla from Linux!
by SciDude (Friar) on Aug 19, 2004 at 07:21 UTC

    Launching Mozilla from this chatterbox client is easy. Unless you are using Win32 you will want to comment out that portion of the code and add something like the following:

    my $pid; if (!defined($pid = fork)) { warn "cannot fork: $!"; return; } elsif ($pid) { warn "begat $pid"; return; # I’m the parent } exec 'mozilla', "$url";

    This patch will launch the buttonpress event in Mozilla. Each press will launch a new browser with a separate process ID. Works for me!

    Update I wanted each buttonpress to open the link in a new tab. This is done with a simple modification to the exec:

    exec "mozilla -remote \"openurl($url,new-tab)\"";

    The first dog barks... all other dogs bark at the first dog.
by SciDude (Friar) on Sep 04, 2004 at 04:24 UTC

    Version 10 is giving me some troubles:

    $ perl Assuming 'require Tk::Font;' at line 722 New login level: 0 New login level: 2 CB schlepper: starting recurrent schlep immediately... CB schlepper: got 107 new items. Tk::Error: Bad option `-state' at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3/i386- +linux-thread-multi/ line 247. Tk callback for .notebook.chatterbox.rotext ...more here
    Any suggestions?

    The first dog barks... all other dogs bark at the first dog.

      Replace -state => 'hidden' with -elide => 1.

      This change is already in version 0.11, which is almost ready.

by Madams (Pilgrim) on Sep 13, 2004 at 00:09 UTC

    I just dl'd this and gave it a whorl whirl...

    Good job!

    Only have one request:

    In Adso::launch_url for the Win32 crowd the Win32::Spawn parameters should be configurable from the Config page. and that's my only request (so far :^] )

    Can't wait for 0.11!

    Updated: fixed spelling.\.spamtrap\.//;

by exussum0 (Vicar) on Sep 06, 2004 at 16:34 UTC
    Nice job! Only warning, is one I read in one of the utils that runs mozilla on the command line for windows via java. Beware shell characters in urls. I don't know what mechanism TK's spawn does, but just a note :)

    Then B.I. said, "Hov' remind yourself nobody built like you, you designed yourself"

by jrsimmon (Hermit) on Dec 04, 2007 at 22:50 UTC
    just thought you might be interested to know this still works like a charm...++

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