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Re^2: windows sybase error messages

by martymart (Deacon)
on Aug 26, 2004 at 15:44 UTC ( [id://386056]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: windows sybase error messages
in thread windows sybase error messages

Hi There,
Actually, I think you could be wrong there. I got this syntax from
If you built DBD::Sybase with OpenClient 12.5.1 or later, then you can use the host and port values to define the server you want to connect to. This will by-pass the server name lookup in the interfaces file. This is useful in the case where the server hasn't been entered in the interfaces file.
$dbh = DBI->connect(";port-4100",$user, $passwd);

Plus, this script does work fine on my other linux machine. Although I know where you're coming from as I made the same mistake myself cause I used to connect to mysql databases. If I was to connect to mysql it would look like:
$dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$host;port=$port", "$username","$password")


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Re^3: windows sybase error messages
by mpeppler (Vicar) on Aug 26, 2004 at 16:24 UTC
    $dbh = DBI->connect(";port-4100",$user, $passwd);

    Will be fixed in the next version... :-)


Re^3: windows sybase error messages
by edan (Curate) on Aug 26, 2004 at 15:58 UTC

    That's what we call in professional lingo a "typo". I couldn't imagine that the dsn for DBD::Sybase would have a wacky non-standard way of specifying just the port, so I had to consult the source (

    if(strchr(dsn, '=')) { extractFromDsn("server=", dsn, imp_dbh->server, 64); ... blah blah blah ... extractFromDsn("host=", dsn, imp_dbh->host, 64); extractFromDsn("port=", dsn, imp_dbh->port, 20); extractFromDsn("maxConnect=", dsn, imp_dbh->maxConnect, 25);

    As you can see, it is clearly looking for "port=", and not "port-". Why your dsn would would work with "port-" is beyond me. *shrug*


      Good catch. You should report it to mpeppler, either as a /msg here, or to his email listed on his home page.

        either as a /msg here, or to his email listed on his home page.
        That's the wrong approach. You should report the bug as outlined in the documentation. RTFM.
      yeah it looks like you're right, I stand corrected! I suppose I shouldn't rely so much on the documentation!

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