#!/usr/local/bin/perl # $Id: class-schedule.pl,v 1.4 2004/08/20 05:25:28 hossman Exp $ # $Source: /home/hossman/cvs_archive/code/perl/class-scheduler/class-schedule.pl ,v $ # use warnings; use strict; use Set::Scalar; use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel; # name all of the time slots (0-N) my @names = qw( Mon-10-11 Mon-2-3 Mon-3-4 Mon-4-5 Tue-12-1 Tue-1-2 Tue-4-5 Wed-9-10 Wed-10-11 Thur-12-1 Thur-1-2 ); # keep a set of all known users who are enrolled/waitlisted my $users = new Set::Scalar(); # for each time slot, create a set in which we'll put all the people # that can make it who are enrolled/waitlisted. my @slots = map { new Set::Scalar() } (0 .. @names-1); # we use these hashs to try and find possible duplicate entries my %dup_sid; my %dup_name; my %dup_email; # start our Excel Workbook binmode STDOUT; my $wb = new Spreadsheet::WriteExcel('-'); # make a sheet to record the stats my $stats = $wb->add_worksheet('Stats'); $stats->keep_leading_zeros(); $stats->write_row(0,0, [qw(session1 session2 session3 1ok 2ok 3ok happy screwed)]); # make a sheet that to list the full details of who can make what my $details = $wb->add_worksheet("Details"); $details->keep_leading_zeros(); $details->write_row (0,0, [ 'SID', 'Last Name', 'First Name', 'Email', 'Status', 'Total', @names ]); ## now loop over our input # input lines should be a user id, and a list of slot numbers the user # prefers, seperated by whitespace while (<>) { my ($sid, $lname, $fname, $email, $status, $p) = split /:/; my @prefs = split /\s/, $p; # detect dups warn "Duplicate SID Found: $sid" if exists $dup_sid{$sid}; warn "Duplicate Email Found: $email" if exists $dup_email{$email}; warn "Duplicate Name Found: $lname, fname" if exists $dup_name{"$lname, $fname"}; $dup_name{"$lname, $fname"} = $dup_sid{$sid} = $dup_email{$email} = undef; # if they are probably in the class, then record the info for stats if ('N' ne $status) { $users->insert($sid); $slots[$_]->insert($sid) foreach (@prefs); } # add all raw data to our details screen my $ok = new Set::Scalar(@prefs); $details->write_row($., 0, [ $sid, $lname, $fname, $email, $status, $ok->size(), map { $ok->contains($_) ? 1 : 0 } (0..@names-1) ]); } my $row = 1; # where are we in the current sheet ? # loop over all the 3 way combinations of slots, and report stats... for (my $i = 0; $i < @slots; $i++) { for (my $j = $i+1; $j < @slots; $j++) { for (my $k = $j+1; $k < @slots; $k++) { my ($is, $js, $ks) = ($slots[$i], $slots[$j], $slots[$k]); my $iorj = $is->union($js); my $iork = $is->union($ks); my $jork = $js->union($ks); my $any = $iorj->union($ks); my $screwed = $users->difference($any); $stats->write_row($row++, 0, [ ((map { $names[$_] } ($i, $j, $k)), (map { $_->size() } ($is, $js, $ks, $any, $screwed))) ]); } } } # we're done $stats->activate(); $stats->select(); $stats->set_first_sheet(); $wb->close(); __DATA__ 2:Burnquest:Bob:hossman@asf:E:1 2 5 8 3:Hawk:Tony:hossman@asf:E: 99:Blo:Joe:joe@blow.com:E:0 5