in reply to Wasting time thinking about wasted time

It's a lot longer and wouldn't fit on a slide

I don't see why it has to be. You can level the playing field without any significant difference.

use Benchmark qw( timethese ); my @files = glob "/bin/*"; timethese( -2, { Ordinary => sub { () = sort { -M $a <=> -M $b } @files }, Schwartzian => sub { () = map $_->[0], sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map [ $_, -M ], @files; }, }, );

And that's it. Note that I always use sub refs with Benchmark, so the package issues don't even come up. You could assign to an actual array if you don't feel like explaining the () = .. construct, but it wouldn't make an appreciable difference in the code.

Makeshifts last the longest.