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Re: Using the SNMP module from the Net-SNMP library

by jonnybe (Scribe)
on Oct 04, 2004 at 18:23 UTC ( [id://396317]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Using the SNMP module from the Net-SNMP library

Kudos. Your text and code are easy to understand. I'll be looking forward to the final product. I'd love to be of help, but being a newb to SNMP, I will more likely benefit from it rather then contribute to it. That being said, I'll surely have plenty of questions. lol

One request would be a terse description of SNMP in context of the tutorial.


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Re^2: Using the SNMP module from the Net-SNMP library
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 27, 2008 at 13:45 UTC
    hello, I am try to use asynchronous mode with the callback function. I don't know why but I can't access the returned values within the callback function. Do you know why ? Here's the code:
    my $res = $session->get("sysDescr.0",[\&call]); die $session->{ErrorStr} if ($session->{ErrorStr}); SNMP::MainLoop(); sub call { my $vlist = shift; print "ok\t0:'$vlist->[0][0]'\t1:'$val->[0][1]'\t2:'$val->[0][2]'\ +t3:'$val->[0][3]'\n"; print Dumper($vlist); SNMP::finish(); }
    It prints this:
    ok 0:'sysDescr' 1:'' 2:'' 3:'' $VAR1 = bless( [ bless( [ 'sysDescr', '0', 'Cisco Systems WS-C6513 Cisco Catalyst Operating System Software, Version 8.4(6) Copyright (c) 1995-2006 by Cisco Systems ', 'OCTETSTR' ], 'SNMP::Varbind' ) ], 'SNMP::VarList' );
    why only "sysDescr" is printed ? Thank you, I'm really stuck and I can't find any examples aon that anywhere ! kenwaz

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