I am try to use asynchronous mode with the callback function.
I don't know why but I can't access the returned values within the callback function.
Do you know why ?
Here's the code:
my $res = $session->get("sysDescr.0",[\&call]);
die $session->{ErrorStr} if ($session->{ErrorStr});
sub call {
my $vlist = shift;
print "ok\t0:'$vlist->[0][0]'\t1:'$val->[0][1]'\t2:'$val->[0][2]'\
print Dumper($vlist);
It prints this:
ok 0:'sysDescr' 1:'' 2:'' 3:''
$VAR1 = bless( [
bless( [
'Cisco Systems WS-C6513
Cisco Catalyst Operating System Software, Version 8.4(6)
Copyright (c) 1995-2006 by Cisco Systems
], 'SNMP::Varbind' )
], 'SNMP::VarList' );
why only "sysDescr" is printed ?
Thank you, I'm really stuck and I can't find any examples aon that anywhere !
kenwaz |