in reply to String/Numeric Manipulation

The while test on the value of days is made after the conversion to seconds is done so when you enter q you are trying to convert it to seconds. you could do a few things, here is one that keeps a while loop...

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; while (1) { print "Please enter a single positive integer that represents a number of da +ys, that you wish to convert into seconds. ,(enter q to quit): "; chomp (my $days = <STDIN>); $days =~ s/\+//; # allow them to enter +12 if ($days eq "q") { last; } elsif (($days =~ /[^\d]/) or ($days eq "")) { # days contains an non digit character or is empty print "\n!!! You must enter a positive integer.\n\n"; } else { my $seconds = $days * 86400; my $plural = ($days == 1) ? '' : 's'; print "\n$days day$plural = $seconds seconds.\n\n"; } } print "Goodbye\!\n\n";

update to catch entry of 0

Change the elsif check to this if you want to prevent them from entering zero days
} elsif (($days =~ /[^\d]/) or (not $days)) {


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Re^2: String/Numeric Manipulation
by Elgon (Curate) on Oct 07, 2004 at 18:56 UTC


    A minor nit. If I've understood the code correctly, you've used a substitution...

    $days = s/+//;

    ...where a transliteration would be "better"...

    $days = tr/+//d;    # Note transobliteration modifier

    ...and a lot faster (not that this is really an issue in this case.)Unless you wanted to allow only a leading + in which case...

    $days = s/^+//;


    It is better wither to be silent, or to say things of more value than silence. Sooner throw a pearl at hazard than an idle or useless word; and do not say a little in many words, but a great deal in a few.

    Pythagoras (582 BC - 507 BC)

      You are right tr would have been more efficient for what I did but I really should have put s/^+//; to follow the principle of least surprise so that 2+3 would be rejected rather than converted to 23
