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My favorite Perl Monks theme is

by vroom (His Eminence)
on Feb 25, 2000 at 01:29 UTC ( [id://4018]=poll: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Vote on this poll

The default reddish theme
[bar] 14/25%
The blueish theme
[bar] 32/56%
I give up choices for anonymity
[bar] 11/19%
57 total votes
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
by Anonymous Monk on Feb 28, 2000 at 10:16 UTC
    What about "I give up choices because I'm too lazy to get an account"?
RE: My favorite Perl Monks theme is
by Anonymous Monk on Mar 01, 2000 at 11:32 UTC
    I thought I liked the "Red theme" but I tried the blue theme... and it rocks!!!
RE: My favorite Perl Monks theme is
by vroom (His Eminence) on Mar 02, 2000 at 22:12 UTC
    The people have spoken... the default will be switched to the blue-theme in the near future

    Tim Vroom | vroom |
RE: My favorite Perl Monks theme is
by rawdog (Novice) on Feb 29, 2000 at 01:51 UTC
    red scares me, like so many advertisements. :-)
RE: My favorite Perl Monks theme is
by Anonymous Monk on Mar 01, 2000 at 23:52 UTC
    Well, all the random pictures in the upper right corner are reddish, and don't go quite as well with blue.
      I disagree... I think that many of the "reddish" tones in the random photos are dark enough too fit in well with the blue scheme. For some reason (by design, I assume) the blue theme came up when I checked out the site last night and I was blown away by how much better it looked.

      I think it would be a good idea to keep the red theme for those who want to opt for it (I myself might select it from time to time, for old times' sak), but as the poll seems to indicate, adopting the bluish theme as the default is a good idea that will make the site easier to read and more popular in the long run. It just looks better.

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