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Apache profiler errors

by fuzzyping (Chaplain)
on Nov 02, 2004 at 03:51 UTC ( [id://404503]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

fuzzyping has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I'm trying to profile some perl CGI someone else wrote, but I can't seem to get Apache::DProf working. My server runs Apache 2.0.46 with mod_perl 1.99 and Apache::DProf 0.09. I'm getting the following error when trying to start Apache when Apache::DProf is set to load in httpd.conf:
Starting httpd: [Mon Nov 01 22:37:13 2004] [error] Can't locate object + method "server_root_relative" via package "Apache::Server" at /usr/l +ib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/Apache/ line + 30.!Compilation failed in require at (eval 2) line 3.! [Mon Nov 01 22:37:13 2004] [error] Can't load Perl module Apache::DPro +f for server localhost:0, exiting...!
Now, if I'm not mistaken, server_root_relative is in Apache::ServerUtil. Looking at the relevant portion of, it appears to handle the differences between Apache1 and Apache2 correctly, so Apache::compat shouldn't be necessary (although I've tried that too):
package Apache::DProf; use strict; use Apache::DB (); use File::Path (); { no strict; $VERSION = '0.04'; } # Need to determine if we are in a mod_perl 1.x or 2.x environment # and load the appropriate modules BEGIN { use constant MP2 => eval { require mod_perl; $mod_perl::VERSIO +N > 1.99 }; die "mod_perl is required to run this module: $@" if $@; if (MP2) { require Apache2; require Apache::RequestRec; require Apache::ServerUtil; } } # Adjust to handle mp1 and mp2 differently my $prof_path; if (MP2) { my $s = Apache->server; $prof_path = $s->server_root_relative( $ENV{APACHE_DPROF_PATH} || "logs/dprof"); } else { $prof_path = Apache->server_root_relative($ENV{APACHE_DPROF_PATH} +|| "logs/dprof"); }
Any ideas why this module is failing for me? I've tried Googling on the server_root_relative error, but this inevitably directs me to Apache::compat suggestions, which I don't think are relevant to this module. Thanks,


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Re: Apache profiler errors
by ides (Deacon) on Nov 02, 2004 at 21:23 UTC
    After further research this problem is due to using an older release candidate of mod_perl 2.0. You have to use at least mod_perl 1.99_16 in order for this to work.

    Frank Wiles <>

Re: Apache profiler errors
by ides (Deacon) on Nov 02, 2004 at 15:45 UTC
    Saw your message about this post on the mod_perl list. I believe this is fixed by using Apache2 in your Let me know if this indeed does fix your problem and I'll get the Apache::DProf documentation updated. UPDATE: That doesn't seem to fix the problem. Try adding Apache::ServerUtil to your

    Frank Wiles <>

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