Hi Jonathan,
How about something like this, uses a bit of scripting instead of all that css stuff:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); #errors will show in the browser
my $co=new CGI;
print $co->header,
-action=> "http://localhost/cgi-bin/fileupload2.cgi",
$co-> filefield( -name => 'browse',
-style => 'display:none'
$co-> textfield( -name => 'file',
" ",
"<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"document.forms[0].browse.click();document.for
+ms[0].file.value=document.forms[0].browse.value;return false;\">",
"<img name=\"browse\" src=\"http://localhost/html/browse.bmp\" alt=\"b
+rowse\" border=\"0\"></a>",
$co->image_button( -name => 'submit',
-src => 'http://localhost/html/add.bmp',
-value => "Submit",
-onclick => "document.forms[0].browse.disabled=tru
exit 0;
I've tried this myself and it does appear to work.