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by blazar (Canon)
on Nov 23, 2004 at 09:45 UTC ( [id://409850]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Ok, so I eventually decided to upload a picture of me. Quite curiously this is basically the only one I had available at the moment. But it's going to stay...

"Quite curiosly" especially since it hardly represents me at all in the sense that I (at best) seldom wear stuff like that -- no surprise that some of my friends asked me whether this was a fake photo!

But most importantly: who am I in the pic?!? Hint: I'm not Japanese...
answer =>

answer2 =>

(see also

For a long time I saw geek codes, and I didn't have the slightest idea what they could be. Then I discovered what a geek code is, and I didn't think it was such a smart thing, nor did I care for a long time. Whatever, I stumbled upon a Perl Geek Code poll and for some reason I wrote one:

-----BEGIN PERL GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 0.01 P++>*$c--P6+R++M+>++O++MA++E+PU+++BD X+WP+++MO!PP!n++CO-->-PO--o+++G+ +OL!Ee-Ev-Eon!Eoj++uL++>+++@w >-@ ------END PERL GEEK CODE BLOCK------


  • Mon Nov 13 00:07:16 2006 => my use Perl journal!
  • Sat Mar  3 20:06:10 2007 => added Perl geek code.

Internal links

  1. The best node I've read since I'm here at the Monastery: Re: lhs substr(): refs vs. scalars, by BrowserUk.
  2. The most underrated node of mine. Well, amongst recent ones. Well, amongst recent ones at the time of this writing. Whatever: Re: changing the position of an element in an array.
  3. Nodes of mine with reputation less than or equal to zero at the time of this writing (Fri Jan 20 11:43:38 2006): in some cases retrospectively I can understand why they were downvoted or ignored and they probably deserved to. In other cases I just can't make sense of it. So please consider donating some alm to this poor peasant! ;-)
  4. Re^3: An eighth use of local => interesting observation.
  5. Re: An eighth use of local => another interesting observation.
  6. Re: Build your array with push => nice humorous reply!

External links

Maybe it's not fair to post this link, since
  1. it is OT wrt Perl, programming and computers,
  2. I have not listed any internal link (yet), nor external ones that are more on topic,
But this is where I relax when I don't code in Perl or pretend to study; so here it is (especially aimed at our Italian fellows and in particular at those living in or near Milan):

My {name,nick}

It seems that people tends to misspell my nick, in particular they think it's blaze or blazer. Now, I think that the latter ones are chosen by one toy writer (in the hip-hop acceptation) or wannabe-hacker out of two, I even actually knew one! But don't think I consider myself to be on such a high horse or that I have an attitude... mine is simply different: in case of doubt
(my $name=whatever You::Think) =~ s/(?<=blaz)\w+/ar/;

Judo @ Perl Monks

The info contained in this section is gathered from a Super Search for "Judo"; it is (hopefully) accurate up to 2005‑07‑21, so that I know how to restrict a new search, should I want to update it. When the term is contained in a node and in notes to it, I only list the former.

Judoist Monks
Random nodes mentioning Judo

(section under construction - slowly editing/cleaning the list)

2005-06-21 grinder Re^4: On bad habits Re:Med
2005‑04‑26 SciDude Re: How to introduce 8 year olds to (Perl) programming? Re:Med
2005‑02‑18 kutsu Re^2: OT: The WarriorMonks Re:Med
2005‑02‑18 Mago Re: OT: The WarriorMonks Re:Med
2004‑09‑14 lwicks Re^2: DBD:ANYDATA - Execution ERROR: No such column Re:SoPW
2004‑09‑13 lwicks DBD:ANYDATA - Execution ERROR: No such column SoPW
2004‑09‑03 poqui Re: OT: The WarriorMonks Re:Med
2004‑05‑26 SciDude Teaching Perl to Children SoPW
2004‑04‑17 ambrus Re: poll ideas quest (sport) Re:Quest
2004‑04‑08 Anonymous Monk Re: Testing for Beginners Re:SoPW
2004‑01‑05 lwicks DBD::Anydata, Use of uninitialized value at... SoPW
2003‑12‑29 lwicks Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: DBD::CSV - how to install? (FTP only) Re:SoPW
2003‑12‑21 lwicks Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: DBD::CSV - how to install? (FTP only) Re:SoPW
2003‑12‑14 lwicks Re: Re: Re: Re: DBD::CSV - how to install? (FTP only) Re:SoPW
2003‑06‑09 Elgon Re: OT: The WarriorMonks Re:Med
2003‑06‑08 Flame Re: OT: The WarriorMonks Re:Med
2003‑06‑07 AidanLee Re: OT: The WarriorMonks Re:Med
2002‑11‑18 diotalevi Getting a code ref to main SoPW
2002‑07‑13 stefp Re: Re(2): why a nodelet can be kept against author wish? Re:PMD
2002‑07‑03 dws Re: YAPC 2002 Slides (pointers) Re:News
2002‑07‑03 larsen YAPC 2002 Slides (pointers) News
2002‑03‑20 dws Re: Professional Employees and Works for Hire Re:Med
2001‑12‑03 andye Re: Teaching The New Generation Re:Med
2001‑08‑17 mugwumpjism Women Programmers, Sex, Tai Chi and Reincarnation Med
2000‑09‑29 hil RE: RE: I watch the Olympics Re:Poll

Hall of Shame

Worst Nodes of The Week (As of Mar 09, 2007 at 08:30 GMT-2)
# Node Author Rep
1 Re^2: Making a regex case insensitive Win -15
2 Re^4: Making a regex case insensitive Win -14
3 Re^2: Preventing malicious T-SQL injection attacks Win -14
4 Re^6: Preventing malicious T-SQL injection attacks Win -13
5 Re^6: Making a regex case insensitive Win -12
6 Re^4: Preventing malicious T-SQL injection attacks Win -12
7 Re^4: Preventing malicious T-SQL injection attacks Win -12
8 Re^8: Preventing malicious T-SQL injection attacks Win -11
9 Re^8: Making a regex case insensitive Win -10
10 Re^8: Making a regex case insensitive Win -10

My XP chart

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