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Poor man's mod_perl 2.0 and SSO

by muzakfetch (Scribe)
on Nov 23, 2004 at 23:43 UTC ( [id://410019]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

muzakfetch has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

So I'm looking into SSO stuff for work. All existing solutions look really good, and I'm impressed with the work already done (and open-sourced).

However, all of these require a little overhaul to an already existing infrastructure that I'm at this point a little lazy to deal with.

So.. I'm thinking of sha1 session keys via cookies, and a database. Forgetting for the moment the backend authentication , (I'll use a login page over SSL LDAP for buzzword compliance blah blah blah).

Cursory investigation seems to point that I want to use PerlHeaderParserHandler to extract the cookie and determine the user's access.

What says the community? Am I on the right track with this? I'm trying to be as least intrusive as possible mostly utilizing tools already at my finger tips, and making it fairly easy to maintain for the guy that follows.



After much more research I have now discovered how to do this exact thing using the PerlAuthzHandler instead. mod_perl AAA Funny thing is I own this book but am currently seperated from it. Sheesh!

Update 2:

Now that I have a good method for this, I'm going to write a howto as well

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