in reply to Re: Constant string reference
in thread Constant string reference

This function is undocumented but comes with perl as of a 5.8.something version.
Internals:: functions are not supposed to be used by user-code outside the core; that's why they're undocumented.


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Re^3: Constant string reference
by diotalevi (Canon) on Dec 09, 2004 at 14:50 UTC
    No, that's not right. Internals::functions may be used by user-code but only by code that allows that perl internals are allowed to change from version to version. The B:: modules exist so that perl isn't a black box and to allow people access to the guts if they really need to be there.
      No, that's not right. Internals::functions may be used by user-code but only by code that allows that perl internals are allowed to change from version to version.
      That's rather playing with semantics. The OP was presumably talking about real code, not introspection. The p5pers reserve the right to change or completely remove functions in Internals:: between releases.


        Real code uses introspection. The use of introspection doesn't cause code to cease to be called "real." Mind you, application level code is supposed to delegate this off to a module or such but that doesn't mean the module isn't also "real" or written by non-p5pers.