in reply to Re^5: Constant string reference
in thread Constant string reference

Are you advocating that people should use Internals::SvREADONLY in general production code?


Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re^7: Constant string reference
by diotalevi (Canon) on Dec 09, 2004 at 16:45 UTC
    No, not exactly. I'm just noting that if someone found it useful to write a SomeApplication::ReferenceSection or whatever and found it useful to have things readonly, they might use a function to toggle the readonly flag on their variables.
Re^7: Constant string reference
by ysth (Canon) on Dec 10, 2004 at 11:46 UTC
    Only if they are willing to put up with possible breakage upon perl upgrade. And truly critical production code needs to be vetted anew for each perl upgrade anyway before going live.