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Tk Drag and Drop Between Applicationsby Ardemus (Beadle) |
on Dec 15, 2004 at 00:29 UTC ( [id://414906]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Ardemus has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Can I drag and drop a file *from* perl Tk into another windows app? I haven't found *any* reference to this aspect of DND. I've spent 20+ hours on the web, Perl Monks, Safari, and in the few docs I found. I've read the ubiquitous stuff:
I changed 'Win32' to 'Local' in #3 above. While I can drag in and drag locally I can't drag out (not even to another instance of the same app). The OS and other apps don't respond in any way, and the token doesn't change to indicate a drop site. Is this possible? Is there documentation? Thanks. Ardemus - "This, right now, is our lives" Resolution: This question has been answered: Yes, but only through the Tcl/Tk module (not Perl/Tk). Full details are available in this thread. My Application: Search and aggregate data from multiple databases. I want to select and drag results into other apps (like Sound Forge or Pro Tools).
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