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Re: mini-languages for MVC view/controller manipulation

by revdiablo (Prior)
on Dec 26, 2004 at 20:21 UTC ( [id://417478]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to mini-languages for MVC view/controller manipulation

the use of mini-languages within view templates seems to occupy a very small and recent slice in the history of MVC frameworks

Whether I agree with this or not depends on what you consider the definition of a mini-language. If you mean simply an API, as in modules = minilanguages?, then this probably isn't right. I very recently started working on a simple module to generate wx forms for me, and I doubt this is anything new or innovative. But if you mean a mini language as I generally define it -- that is, a language with its own semantics and syntax, rather than just an API on another language -- then you might be right. Either way, interesting Meditation. ++

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