Some interesing links / nodes
Perl Wiki Book
Creating a windows EXE from Perl script
Re: Turning foreach into map?
Useful homenodes
Re: Basic voting statistics for Node Reputation
Re: CgiProxy And Heavy Visitors
How You (Yes You!) Can Get Involved
Perl/Ruby comparison
Finding the name of a code ref
Rules for JAPH in the Obfuscation section?
A warning about overloading assignment methods
What shortcuts can I use for linking to other information?
Structured obfuscation
Perl 6 books
monitoring CPU usage
Doubt about fly-weight objects.
AJAX and Perl-based web applications
perl5 "prototyping": why?
Bit operations for beginners
What is "Schwarzian Transform" (aka Schwartzian)
HOP, flip, and swap
Java is from Mars, Perl is from Venus
Why GUI perl programs on Windows?
GUI and standalone Perl - can we build a new FAQ please?
References in Perl
References quick reference
The Concept of References
how do $x = \12 differ from $$y = 12 ?
Catalyst and the stash
Catalyst movies
Catalyst usage in the wild...
Testing TT and CDBI under Catalyst
Others homenodes
Solo (about SDL)
DigitalKitty tutorials / chatterbox history
Some small scripts i've written (for the fun and learning purposes)
Obfuscation helper
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $chars = {};
for (my $i=33; $i<=127; $i++) {
my $oct = sprintf("\\%o", $i);
$chars->{chr($i)} = $oct;
foreach my $word (@ARGV) {
my(@str) = split(//,$word);
foreach my $letter (@str) {
print $chars->{$letter};
print " ";
# ./ just another Perl hacker,
# returns
# \152\165\163\164 \141\156\157\164\150\145\162 \120\145\162\154 \150\
# \40 gives character 32, the space.
Web / online Thumbnail creator
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use Image::Magick;
use File::Glob qw(:globally :nocase);
use File::Basename;
use CGI;
my $realdir = qw( /var/www/html/thumbnailer/images/ ); # The dir tha
+t holds the origional images
my @ext = qw( jpg png gif); # Image exten
+tions to look for
my $savedir = qw( /var/www/html/thumbnailer/thumbs/ ); # Dir to save
+ thumbnails
my $serverdir = qw( /thumbnailer/ ); # Relative se
my $thumbdir = qw( thumbs/ ); # Holds the t
+humbnails for the webpage
my $imagedir = qw( images/ ); # Holds the r
+eal images for the webpage
my $x_size = 150; # Size in pix
my $y_size = 150; # Size in pix
my $resize = 1; # Resize befo
+re crop.
my $aspect_S = 0.5; # Only reseze
+ if aspect-ratio is above this value, else thumbnail becomes to blurr
my $aspect_H = 2; # Only resize
+ if aspect-ratio is below this value, else thumbnaik becomes to blurr
my $overwrite = 0; # Allways rem
+ake (overwrite) the thumbnails.
my $cols = 5; # Max horizon
+tal thumbs.
my $rows = 10; # Max vertica
+l thumbs.
my $cgi = new CGI;
sub main {
my $content = "<tr>";
my $files = readDir();
my $thumbs_per_page = $rows * $cols;
my $total = scalar(@$files) ? scalar(@$files) : 0;
my $pages = $total / $thumbs_per_page;
my $currentPage = $cgi->param('p') ? $cgi->param('p') : 1;
my $hasPrevious = $currentPage-1 ? 1 : 0;
my $hasNext = ($currentPage < $pages) ? 1 : 0 ;
my $startImage = (($currentPage-1) * $thumbs_per_page) ;
my $nav = "";
my $c = 1;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $file (@$files) {
if ($i >= $total) {
$nav .= "<tr><td align=\"center\" nowrap=\"now
+rap\" colspan=\"$cols\">";
if ($hasPrevious) { $nav .= "<a href=\"?p=" .
+($currentPage - 1) . "\">Previous<\/a>\ \ "; }
if ($hasNext) { $nav .= "<a href=\"?p=" .
+($currentPage + 1) . "\">Next<\/a>"; }
$nav .= "<\/td><\/tr>";
next if ($i <= $startImage || $i > ($startImage + $thu
if ($c > $cols) {
$content .= "<\/tr><tr>\n";
$c = 1;
# Check if the file alreaddy exists:
my $filename = "thumb_" . fileparse($file);
if (!-e $savedir . $filename || $overwrite) {
# Make new thumbnails...
my $image = Image::Magick->new;
my ($x,$y) = $image->Get('width', 'height');
# Enlarge image if thumbnail > origional, or r
+esize before crop is enabled...
if ($x < $x_size || $resize) {
my $aspectratio = $y / $x;
# Only resize if aspect-ratio is betwe
+en given apect ratio-borders
if ($aspectratio > $aspect_S && $aspec
+tratio < $aspect_H || $x < $x_size) {
$x = $x_size;
$y=$x * $aspectratio;
$image->Resize(width => $x, he
+ight => $y, filter => 'Cubic', blur => 1);
if ($y < $y_size) {
my $aspectratio = $x / $y;
$y = $y_size;
$x=$y * $aspectratio;
$image->Resize(width => $x, height =>
+$y, filter => 'Cubic', blur => 1);
# Get center (offset) of image, and crop to $x
+_size * $y_size.
my $ox = ($x - $x_size) / 2;
my $oy = ($y - $y_size) / 2;
$content .= " <td> <a href=\"" . $serverdir .
+$imagedir . fileparse($file) . "\" > <img src=" . $serverdir . $thumb
+dir . $filename. " alt=\"\" border=\"1\"> <\/a><\/td> ";
} else {
# Skip writing...
$content .= " <td> <a href=\"" . $serverdir .
+$imagedir . fileparse($file) . "\" > <img src=" . $serverdir . $thumb
+dir . $filename. " alt=\"\" border=\"2\"> <\/a><\/td> ";
$content .= "<\/tr>\n" . $nav;
sub printHtml {
my ($content) = @_;
# my $cgi = new CGI;
print $cgi->header(-type => 'text/html', );
print $cgi->start_html( -title => 'Testpage',
-BGCOLOR => '#ffffff',);
print "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"3\"
print $content;
print "\n<\/table>\n";
print $cgi->end_html;
sub readDir {
my $files="*.{" . join(",",@ext) . "}";
my @files= glob($realdir.$files);
return \@files;
sub cleanUp {
undef $cgi, $realdir, @ext, $serverdir, $savedir, $x_size, $co
undef $y_size, $resize, $aspect_S , $aspect_H, $overwrite, $ro
undef $thumbdir, $imagedir;