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Re: Force Download to a .xls file

by edan (Curate)
on Jan 04, 2005 at 12:15 UTC ( [id://419216]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Force Download to a .xls file

I use the following incantation, with success:

print $cgi->header( '-type' => "application/octet-stream; name=$file", '-Content-Disposition' => "attachment; filename=$file", '-Content-Transfer-Encoding' => "binary");

Note that $file is the basename, with no path - maybe that's all that's messing you up. In your case, it should just be "$xlsfile" I think.


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Re^2: Force Download to a .xls file
by existem (Sexton) on Feb 16, 2005 at 12:39 UTC

    Just as a little side not to all this, i've finally managed to get it to work using this notation.

    print "Content-type: application/\n"; print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename\n"; print "\n"; open TMP, "$directory/$filename" or die "Error message here: $!\n"; binmode TMP; binmode STDOUT; print <TMP>;

    Please note that the first bit just uses the basename of the file, so without the whole directory path. Whereas the second bit uses the $directory path so it's absolute on the file system. This little thing had me stumped for a while there, so thought i'd share incase others have the same problem.

    Best of luck,

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